riid:指定要返回的接口的ID。 ppv:指向接口指针的指针,该指针将被填充为所请求的接口。 CoGetClassObject()函数的返回值是一个HRESULT类型的值,表示函数调用的成功或失败。如果函数调用成功,则返回值为S_OK,否则返回一个错误代码。 在使用CoGetClassObject()函数时,需要注意以下几点: ...
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) throw(); 備註 此類別的物件可以成功查詢IUnknown和IThreadPoolConfig介面。 CThreadPool::QueueRequest 呼叫這個方法,將工作專案排入佇列,以由集區中的線程處理。 BOOL QueueRequest(Worker::RequestType request) throw(); ...
riid Reference identifier. Reserved for future use. Must be NULL. rgszNames Address of a pointer to a passed-in array of names to be mapped. cNames Count of the names to be mapped. lcid Locale context in which to interpret the names. rgdispid Pointer to a caller-allocated array...
riid Reserved for future use. Must be IID_NULL. lcid Locale context in which to interpret arguments. wFlags Flags describing the context of the call. pdispparams Pointer to a DIPPARAMS structure that contains the arguments. pvarResult Pointer to a VARIANT that receives the result, or ...
若要更正此警告,請在這兩種類型之間新增適當的轉換,或新增明確的轉換。 #include<windows.h>BOOLIsEqual(REFGUID, REFGUID);HRESULTf( REFGUID riid1, REFGUID riid2 ){// converting because IsEqual returns a c-style TRUE or FALSEreturnIsEqual(riid1, riid2) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; ...
virtualHRESULTGetMediaPositionInterface(REFIIDriid,void**ppv); { CAutoLockcObjectCreationLock(&m_ObjectCreationLock); if(m_pPosition){ returnm_pPosition->NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid,ppv); } m_pPosition=newCRendererPosPassThru(NAME("Renderer CPosPassThru"), ...
const IID * const riid, void **ppvObject); ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )( IUnknown * This); ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )( IUnknown * This); } IUnknownVtbl; struct IUnknown { struct IUnknownVtbl *lpVtbl; }; struct IFooVtbl ...
/* [in] */REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */LPOLESTR *rgszNames, /* [in] */UINTcNames, /* [in] */LCIDlcid, /* [size_is][out] */DISPID *rgDispId); STDMETHODIMP Invoke( /* [in] */DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */REFIID riid, ...
/* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR *rgszNames, /* [range][in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID *rgDispId) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke( /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, ...
{//Check if the GUID matches IExample//VTable's GUID. Remember that we gave the//C variable name IID_IExample to our//VTable GUID. We can use an OLE function called//IsEqualIID to do the comparison for us.if(!IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IExample)) ...