19行的for loop,使用了reverse_iterator,讓我們很簡單的如操作一般的iterator般去處理reverse_iterator。 25行到29行,使用了一般的iterator去處理,程式有點詭異,主要是讓我們看出,若沒有reverse_iterator,程式有多難寫。 copy() algorithm也可搭配reverse_iterator,只需一行就可以了。
19行的for loop,使用了reverse_iterator,讓我們很簡單的如操作一般的iterator般去處理reverse_iterator。 25行到29行,使用了一般的iterator去處理,程式有點詭異,主要是讓我們看出,若沒有reverse_iterator,程式有多難寫。 copy() algorithm也可搭配reverse_iterator,只需一行就可以了。
reverseSentence(); printf("%c",c); } } 输出结果为: 输入一个字符串: runoob boonur 二、计算数组元素平均值 使用for 循环迭代出输出元素,并将各个元素相加算出总和,再除于元素个数: 实例1 #include <stdio.h> int main() { int array[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}; int...
why destructors execute in reverse order in C++? Why do I get the errors below when I use the /ENTRY option for the linker in a C++ project? why do I have only one letter displayed in my window title, when there are a few words in the title string? Why doesn't DWORD allow convers...
current accounting is current amplification current amplitude current and reverse p current annual cap current as-is current blocked async current color current commutation current controlled co current coupling current degradation current english current fluid saturat current glassware current i ues in theo...
creosote for chemical crepe pli crepe satin brocade j creped paper masking crepeline roxana creponette crescas hasdai ben ab crescent key crescent moon society crescentia linn crescents spinal cord cress root inhibition crest cruve crest line crest little head rib crest working reverse crested wheat...
for(id object in [array reverseObjectEnumerator]) { … } (除非你异想天开, NSSet 或者 NSDictionary 是没有等效的方法的, 而反向枚举一个 NSSet 或者NSDictionary无论如何都没啥意义, 因为键是无序的.) 如果你想使用枚举块的话, NSEnumerationReverse你可以试试, 像这样: ...
// Determine if clicked column is already the column that is being sorted.if(e.Column == lvwColumnSorter.SortColumn) {// Reverse the current sort direction for this column.if(lvwColumnSorter.Order == SortOrder.Ascending) { lvwColumnSorter.Order = SortOrder.Descending; }else{ lvwCo...
plsql_sentence:表示PL/SQL语句,作为FOR语句的循环体。 使用FOR语句计算前100个自然数中偶数之和,并输出到屏幕上,代码如下: set serveroutput on declare sum_i int:= 0; --定义整数变量,存储整数和 begin for i in reverse 1..100 loop --遍历前100个自然数 ...