小朋友学C语言(33):三目运算符 三目运算符(ternary operator),又称条件运算符、三元运算符,是计算机语言(c,c++,java等)的重要组成部分。它是唯一有3个操作数的运算符。 三目运算符的形式为: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <表达式1>?<表达式2>:<表达式3> 这里先对表达式1进行判断,假如表达式1为真,则执行表达式...
The conditional operator can be used in functions to return values based on conditions.Code:#include <stdio.h> // Function to return the smaller of two numbers using the conditional operator int min(int a, int b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; // If 'a' is less than 'b', return...
Conditional Operator: Ternary Operator 条件表达式:表达式1?表达式2:表达式3(若表达式1的值非0,则该条件表达式的值是表达式2的值,否则是表达式3的值。)Conditional Expression: expression1 ? expression2 : expression3 (If the value of expression1 is non-zero, the value of this conditional expression ...
Finally, the program terminates execution with a return 0 statement. Ternary Operator In C: A Shorter Version Of If-Else Conditional Statements As we discussed above, the conditional (ternary) operator is an alternative to the if-else statement as it serves as a shorter version, wherein we ju...
The ternary operator is used to execute code based on the result of a binary condition. It takes in a binary condition as input, which makes it similar to an 'if-else' control flow block. It also, however, returns a value, behaving similar to a function
C C Ternary Operator - Syntax of ternary operator is −(expression-1) ? expression-2 : expression-3This operator returns one of two values depending on the result of an expression. If expression-1 is evaluated to Boolean true, then expression-2 is eval
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pi =4* pi;printf("pi = %f", pi);return0; } 运行结果: pi=3.141594 注意,这里是精确到小数点后六位,这意味着小数点后的最后一位数字可能是不准确的。 三目运算符 三目运算符(ternary operator),又称条件运算符、三元运算符,是计算机语言(c,c++,java等)的重要组成部分。它是唯一有3个操作数的运算符...
C Ternary Operator allows to choose one of the two values based on a condition. In this tutorial, we will learn its syntax, usage and nesting of ternary operators with examples.
Operators in C C - Operators C - Arithmetic Operators C - Relational Operators C - Logical Operators C - Bitwise Operators C - Assignment Operators C - Unary Operators C - Increment and Decrement Operators C - Ternary Operator C - sizeof Operator C - Operator Precedence C - Misc Operators ...