ReplyType type = result.getType();if( REDIS_REPLY_ERROR == type ) {throwReplyErr( result.getErrorString() ); }elseif( REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY != type ) {throwProtocolErr("HGETALL: data recv is not arry"); }CResult::ListCResult::const_iterator it = result.getArry().begin();CResult::...
5.函数返回多个值 def hello(): #定义函数 return "hello", "world" #返回值 result = hello() #调用函数赋值给一个变量 print(result, type(result)) a, b = ('hello', 'world') print(a,b) res1, res2 = hello() #调用函数赋值给两个变量 print(res1, res2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
double function(argue_type argue_name /*形参*/) double result = 0.0 return result; /*返回的变量必须是double类型的*/void function()…… /*具体执行代码*/ return; /*void是空类型,所以返回时不带具体类型.*/ /*通常void类型的函数,在函数末尾的return可以省略不写*/double function(argue_type argu...
caliper compass caliper reading caliper type brake caliper unit caliperbrake calipercallipers calipersc calistus i calix meus inebrians calixtiner call sby back call a cocktail call a halt to call again and again call at a place call by value-result call call for call canceling call category ...
cage ante a cage birds trade cage rack cage type airle shot cagen caging knob cagliari italy cagliaricag cagorizia cagpscourse-acquisiti cahtÚo cai computer-assisted cai civil aeromedical cai bu hui cai chang he cai dan ming cai fang shou ji cai fu ce shi cai gan cai gou fang cai ji...
(继承自 TypeSyntax) IsVar 提供基类,从中派生表示名称语法节点的类。 这是一个抽象类。 (继承自 TypeSyntax) KindText 提供基类,从中派生表示名称语法节点的类。 这是一个抽象类。 (继承自 SyntaxNode) Language 此节点的语法语言名称。 (继承自 CSharpSyntaxNode) Parent 在其ChildNodes() 集合中...
The void pointer, also known as the genericpointer, is a special type of pointer that can be pointed at objects of any data type! A void pointer is declared like a normal pointer, using the void keyword as the pointer’s type:
</result> 第一个默认:type="dispatcher";第二个默认:设置的为location参数,location只能是页面,不能是另一个action(可用type="chain"解决)。 (2)实现方式 从doExecute方法看出,有三个出口(finalLocation为要跳转的地址): pageContext.include(finalLocation); ...
TypeDeclarationSyntax 属性 方法 TypeOfExpressionSyntax TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax TypeParameterConstraintSyntax TypeParameterListSyntax TypeParameterSyntax TypePatternSyntax TypeSyntax UnaryPatternSyntax UndefDirectiveTriviaSyntax UnsafeStatementSyntax UsingDirectiveSyntax ...
Command Prompt result "cl is not recognised as an internal or external command Command-line tool for viewing export functions in a dll Comparing two BSTRs Compile C++ Code without a dependency on MSVCR80.dll compile error c2011: 'enum type redefinition Compile error identifier "clock_t" is un...