C ReadProcessMemory ReadProcessMemory函数用于读取其他进程的数据。 BOOL STDCALL ReadProcessMemory ( HANDLE hProcess, LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead ) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtReadVirtualMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)lpBaseAddress,lpBuffer, nSize, (P...
You are attempting to read address 0 in the target process. That will always fail. You need to read from an address which is meaningful in the virtual address space of the target process. Note that in order to call ReadProcessMemory you only need PROCESS_VM_READ. That's not the problem...
OpenProcess然后ReadProcessMemory 参考资料:OpenProcess前的权限设置 http://blog.csdn.net/lcfeng1982/article/details/6282934
::ReadProcessMemory(hGame, pBase, buf, 4, &byread); pBase = (LPVOID)(sum + (int)pBase); p1 = 348; p2 = 36; } else if (beat = 2) { outtextxy(0, 0, L"我是版本2"); } else return 0; ChangeInto(pBase, p1, p2, hGame); ...
〖299〗-仅完成部分的 ReadProcessMemoty 或 WriteProcessMemory 请求。 〖300〗-操作锁定请求被拒绝。 〖301〗-系统接收了一个无效的操作锁定确认。 〖487〗-试图访问无效的地址。 〖534〗-算术结果超过 32 位。 〖535〗-管道的另一端有一进程。
根据搜索词"ReadProcessMemory"可归纳出以下十类搜索需求: 1. **ReadProcessMemory 函数的语法和用法**:用户想要了解如何使用 ReadProcessMemory 函数进行内存读取,以及函数的参数、返回值等语法细节。 2. **ReadProcessMemory 在 C/C++ 中的使用**:用户想要在 C/C++ 中使用 ReadProcessMemory 函数进行内存读取,需...
解决方法是修改DNS,换成以下dns: 谷歌:和8.8.4.4 阿里:或233.6.6....