Categories: C | ReadingNotes 我看的是第二版,解决了初学 C 语言和 OS 课程的时候的一些疑惑,比如: extern的使用,原来 function 和 object 没有什么区别,比如下面的代码,将a和foo()都暴露给了外部,而static关键词既可以用于 object,又可以用于 function,就是不暴露给外部,有点类似 OOP 的 private 的想法。
This notes author once spent several hours for bug-hunting of such error, and he had to dive into the debugger and assembly listings. A variant of this bug: uint64_t f1() { return some_large_number; }; Listing 1.4: file1.c Listing 1.5: file2.c ... uint64_t tmp=f1(); ... ...
The C Programming Language (2nd Edition) - Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie (1988). Still a good, short but complete introduction to C, written by the the inventor of C. However, the language has changed and good C style has developed in the last 25 years, and there are part...
C/C++-programming language 离线Notes et avis 4,6sur 5 8,4 k notes 想养狗的人,18/02/2020 符号键盘不错 寒假没带电脑回家,只好在平板上找了个编译器。这编译器用起来挺好的。还有点其他小工具,尤其是设置—>个人见解里面。有句“ 如果通过控制大脑与思维,能够控制人们的掠夺与攀比而更多地追求创造,那...
“Notes on Programming in C”一文是罗布·派克 (Rob Pike)于 1989 年写的一份关于 C 语言编程的编程实践建议,包含 9 个主题的简要说明,涵盖了代码风格、程序优化、设计模式等内容。 这里是我关于这篇文章的阅读笔记。除了原文 “Introduction” 部分,其他的部分的行文都将包含如下三个部分: ...
1、编程语言Programming Language: 低级语言Low-level Language:用计算机指令编写程序。和硬件关系密切的少数程序(驱动程序 机器语言Machine Language(第一代语言1GL,1st Generation Programming Language 汇编语言Assembly Language(2GL:用助记符Mnemonic表示机器语言的数字,直接用助记符写汇编程序,然后让汇编器Assembler去查...
1. C Programming Notes 这些笔记来自华盛顿大学实验学院关于C编程介绍课程。这些笔记来自书籍《The C Programming Language》的增补部分。大家都知道,这部书的作者是大名鼎鼎的Brian Kernighan 和刚刚辞世的Dennis Ritchie,或称为K&R。 2. Programming in C – UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C. ...
C Notes for Professionals book If you found this free C programming book useful,then please share it 😊 Chapters Getting started with C Language Comments Data Types Operators Boolean Strings Literals for numbers, characters and strings Compound Literals Bit-fields Arrays Linked lists Enumeration...
Readings:Notes to AccompanyThe C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie (``K&R'') Readings:Introductory C Programming Class Notes(standalone) Readings:Intermediate C Programming Class Notes Assignments:(questions, exercises, and solutions) ...