首先,找到c盘Program Files(x86)文件夹下面的MasterPDF文件夹,下面有一个pdfserver.exe的服务,把这个的后缀名改成.text后重启电脑就可以删除MasterPDF和MasterPDFData了 若找不到pdfserver.exe的话,可以使用everything这个软件去搜索,一下子就可以找到对应的位置了 ...
cflow - Analyzes a collection of source files and prints a graph charting control flow in the program. GPL-3.0-or-later Complexity - Tool for measuring the complexity of source code. GPL-3.0-or-later CScout - Source code analyzer and refactoring browser for C programs. GPL-3.0-only DDD -...
《C How to Program,Fifth Edition》(中文名:《C大学教程》),作者:【美】P.J.Deitel、【美】H.M.Deitel,翻译:苏小红、李东、王甜甜,出版社:电子工业出版社,ISBN:978-7-121-05662-8,PDF 格式,大小 352 Mb,被压缩为 7 部分,本资源是第一部分;第一部分下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/source/3289551...
1/73 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ZZReadBook/Data/116/91863/wk_91863.html 2017/11/16 2/73 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ZZReadBook/Data/116/91863/wk_91863.html 2017/11/16 3/73 file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ZZReadBook/Data/116/91863/wk_91863.html 2017/11...
【技术贴】调用福昕阅读器的命令行方式打开pdf文件|解决C:\Program files中间有空格 不是内部或外部命令。 一 首先是解决路径中含有空格的这个问题,你可以把它当做环境变量写进path里面,或者像我一样,在路径外面套上双引号,如图。 >"C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe" "C:\report...
file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/download.pdf Can anyone help me with these 7 physics questions from the link above??? Thank you!This question hasn't been solved yet! Not what you’re looking for? Submit your question to a subject-matter exper...
Object File NameSpecifies a name to override the default object file name; can be file or directory name. Sets /Fo.Program Database File NameSpecifies a name for a compiler-generated PDB file; also specifies base name for the required compiler-generated IDB file; can be file or directory ...