QueryPerformanceFrequency( &frequence))// 取高精度运行计数器的频率,若硬件不支持则返回 FALSEMessageBox("Your computer hardware doesn't support the high-resolution performance counter","Not Support
头文件:windows.h 函数原型:BOOLQueryPerformanceCounter(LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount); BOOLQueryPerformanceFrequency(LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency); 功能:前者获得的是CPU从开机以来执行的时钟周期数。后者用于获得你的机器一秒钟执行多少次,就是你的时钟周期。 补充:LARGE_INTEGER既可以是一个8字节长的整型数,也...
An intelligent timer adjusts the delay based on the route change frequency automatically. This ensures fast route convergence, without affecting system performance. You can run the timer lsp-generation command to configure parameters for an intelligent timer. The parameters are described as follows: If...
"This example provides functionality to test performance of the VT_timestamp() function." "Ensure that the corresponding compiler,
If the local routing information changes frequently, a large number of new LSPs are generated, which occupies a lot of system resources and decreases system performance. To speed up network convergence and prevent the system from being affected, run the timer lsp-generation command to configure an...
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll")]privatestaticexternboolQueryPerformanceFrequency(outlonglpFrequency);privatelongstartTime, stopTime;privatelongfreq;//ConstructorpublicHiPerfTimer() { startTime =0; stopTime =0;if(QueryPerformanceFrequency(outfreq) ==false) ...
PR の目的処理時間計測用クラス CRunningTimer をより使いやすくします。 オーバーヘッド削減 (主目的) マイクロ秒単位まで計測できるようにする計測結果をそのまま GitHub コメントに表として貼り付けられるようにする (Markdown 表形式での出力) 入力文字列のユニコー
cpr cost performance cprt cps control pressure cps sales engineer cp cpt commandparametert cpt carotid pulse tra cpt cpt cpu address bus cpu cpu adjusted shot per cpu by slight adjust cpu central process u cpu central processin cpucard cpudt cpv co tant pre ure v cpvms cpwtr cpy cargo pre...
Provides high-performance coroutine switch Supports arm, arm64, x86, x86_64 .. Provides channel interfaces Provides semaphore and lock interfaces Supports io socket and stream operation in coroutine Provides some io servers (http ..) using coroutine ...
core performance core portfolios core region of jet core sample taker core sandcore sand core size core type prestressed core values and core-and-shell struct core-halosource corean pine pinus kor corean war coreaxis corecompetency coreddendriticmorphol coredrillingrig coreidae coreknock-outmachine co...