class S { public: S() = default; private: S(const S&) = default; }; void f(const S&); // pass S by reference int main() { S s; f(s); } 屬性化 ATL 程式碼支援已標示為即將淘汰 (層級 1 (/W1) 預設為開啟) 舊版編譯器支援屬性化 ATL 程式碼。 因為從 Visual Studio 2008 開...
Note: If the host requires a subscription key for authentication, use initWithHost:subscription: to pass the subscription key as parameter. To use an authorization token, use this method to create a SpeechConfig instance, and then set the authorizationToken property on the created SPXSpeechConfigur...
(int first, int second,...); // 定义 inline int functionName(int first, int second,...) {/***/}; // 类内定义,隐式内联 class A { int doA() { return 0; } // 隐式内联 } // 类外定义,需要显式内联 class A { int doA(); } inline int A::doA() { return 0; } // 需...
compromise sort compromise with sb on compromising a class compromisingemanation compsite structure compter aided soqware comptia- computing te comptia computing tec compu compufan compulite compunction lack of m compund compressor compuser computablefunction computable index computadora computadora central compu...
count to one hundred count ywe chickens ag countable group nouns countdown function counte lr trade counter eternal life counter current separ counter dial plate counter drift counter field emissio counter head counter lag timecount counter market counter service shop counter strike 16 counter strke ...
All member functions in this class that returnHRESULTand accept a pointer as a parameter return E_POINTER when passed a null pointer. Protected Data Members MemberDescription m_bFlushing In the state of flushing; if TRUE, allIMemInputPin::Receivemethods are returned with S_FALSE. ...
C/C++ : converting std::string to const char* I get the error : left of '.c_str' must have class/struct/union type is 'char *' C# to C++ dll - how to pass strings as In/Out parameters to unmanaged functions that expect a string (LPSTR) as a function parameter. C++ int to str...
nonUDT : if present the original function was returning a user defined type so that signature has been changed to accept a pointer to the UDT as first argument. location : name of the header file and linenumber this function comes from. (imgui:000, internal:123, imgui_impl_xxx:123) ...
PassType QueueType RenderingPathType RenderingSortType RenderTargetType ResourceType ResourceUsage SamplerAddress SampleCountFlagBits SamplerFilter SamplerMipmapMode SceneManagerType ShaderStageType StencilOperation ShaderResourceType ShaderSourceType StoreOp StageType StencilFaceFlag Su...
ACTIVE:模组进行LTE数传、GSM通话或RTOS在运行逻辑时的状态,功耗受到具体业务和网络通信制式的影响,CPU本身功耗和网络射频功率都有所不同,故实际功耗在不同工况下会有较大差异。 IDLE:此时模组处于空闲状态,硬件正常在电,RTOS保持运行,但没有任何线程需要被执行。有业务启动或网络业务呼入时,会立即恢复运行。ECX00U系...