if (name is null){ // code to execute}Console.WriteLine(name);使用“is”运算符的扩展功能使开发人员能够在c#应用程序中执行类型检查和比较时编写更简洁、更可读的代码。或者,您也可以使用操作符检查:==null object obj = null;if (obj == null){ // do something if obj is null}else{ ...
NSURL*url=nil; Class class=Nil;int*pointerInt=NULL; NSNULL,NULL和nil在本质上应该是一样的,NULL和nil其实就是0,但是在Objective-c中,对于像NSArray这样的类型,nil或NULL不能做为加到其中的Object,如果定义了一个NSArray,为其分配了内存,又想设置其中的内容为空,则可以用[NSNULL null返回的对对象来初始...
@interfaceNullObjectFactory:NSObject+ (id)nullObjectForClass:(Class)aClass;@end@implementationNullObjectFactory+ (id)nullObjectForClass:(Class)aClass {if([aClassisEqualToString:[ImageLoaderclass]]) {return[[NullImageLoaderalloc]init];}// 更多类型判断...else{NSLog(@"无法找到对应空对象,请检查传入...
nil];NSLog(@"arr2 count: %ld", [arr2 count]); //count: 0,因为obj1=nil,所以后面的对象没有添加进去[NSNull null]通常作为占位符作用,如下:NSObject *obj1 = [NSNull null];NSArray *arr1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"One", @"TWO", obj1,@"three",nil]; ...
An rvalue of type “pointer to cv T,” where T is an object type, can be converted to an rvalue of type “pointer to cv void.” [#7] C++11: 4.10-p1: A null pointer constant is an integral constant expression (5.19) prvalue of integer type that evaluates to zero or a prvalue...
NULL: (void *)0, 用于C语言的 6、Objective-C的static关键字,只用于修饰变量 修饰全局变量 修饰局部变量 7、self关键字 指向当前对象 指向当前类 8、SEL(@selector)使用 父类SelectorDemo.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interfaceSelectorDemo:NSObject@property(nonatomic,assign)SEL methodTest;-(void...
1. 对象未初始化:在声明对象后,没有为其分配实例就尝试访问其成员。例如,MyClass myObject; myObject.Method();这段代码会因为myObject未被初始化而抛出异常。2. 引用为空:试图访问一个已经被设置为null的对象。这通常发生在对象被显式设置为null,或者在方法调用中返回了null,而后续代码没有对此进行检查。...
[] If a null pointer constant is converted to a pointer type, the resulting pointer, called a null pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any object or function. 因此,如果 a 是一个指针变量,则 a = 0;、a = 0L;、a = '\0';、a = 3 - 3;、a = 0...