nanoflann 1. About nanoflannis aC++11header-onlylibraryfor building KD-Trees of datasets with different topologies: R2, R3(point clouds), SO(2) and SO(3) (2D and 3D rotation groups). No support for approximate NN is provided.nanoflanndoes not require compiling or installing. You just need...
nanoflann: a C++11 header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search with KD-trees - nanoflann/include/nanoflann.hpp at master · jlblancoc/nanoflann
KDTree是常见的空间二分索引结构,被广泛用于近邻检索,在机器人和机器学习中被广泛应用,我们来看一些使用的实现。 nanoflannnanoflann是老牌KD-Tree,扩展性强,代码质量高,支持基本的动态点云删减。为了尽可能在增加点云工程中避免过度地重建树以及避免打破树的平衡,nanoflann保留了多棵树,最大的… ...
序论:粗配准(Coarse Registration)和精配准(Fine Registration)的那些事儿 AMCL是一种全局定位[1]的算法进行定位; 利用IMU数据,为车辆位姿提供一个较好的位姿初始估计.如果旋转和位移较大,点云匹配就很可能失败.IMU一般拥有较高频率(100Hz以…
nanoflann 1.5.3: Released Dec 7, 2023 Other changes: Save one redundant call tocomputeMinMax()inmiddleSplit_(PR#220byqq422216549). This savesa lotof time, up to 20% faster in a benchmark with small (thousands) point clouds. nanoflann 1.5.2: Released Nov 29, 2023 ...
nanoflann: a C++ header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search wih KD-trees - nanoflann/scripts/ at master · r-barnes/nanoflann
math nanoflann BSD C++ 1 build KD trees for point clouds math nv_voronoi.h PD C/C++ 1 find voronoi regions on lattice w/ integer inputs math omm MIT C++ 1 Template open multi-methods math OpenNL BSD3 C++ 2 linear and eigen solvers math par_msquares MIT C/C++ 1 convert (binarized) ...
main .github 3rdparty cmake cpp docker docs examples guideline python util .clang-format .codacy.yml .dockerignore .gitattributes .gitignore .style.yapf CMakeLists.txt LICENSE / Upgrade stdgpu to latest version (isl-org#7083) ...