Objective-C方法名往往很长,不过这也有好处,读代码就像读散文(放屁),让很多注释变得毫无意义。 写纯Objective-C代码时,我们基本上遵守标准Objective-Cnamingrules,这些规则和C++的规则有很大的不同。比如Google的C++代码规范推荐变量名构词之间使用下划线隔开,而本文档推荐驼峰法,也是Objective-C社区的标准。 所有类,类...
Objective-C方法名往往很长,不过这也有好处,读代码就像读散文(放屁),让很多注释变得毫无意义。 写纯Objective-C代码时,我们基本上遵守标准Objective-Cnamingrules,这些规则和C++的规则有很大的不同。比如Google的C++代码规范推荐变量名构词之间使用下划线隔开,而本文档推荐驼峰法,也是Objective-C社区的标准。 所有类,类...
c语言变量命名规则_较多较乱(Clanguagevariablenamingrules _morechaos) Afewyearsago,CharlesSimonyi(wholaterbecameMicrosoft's famousprogrammer)devisedaprefix-basednamingmethodthat waslatercalled"Hungariannotation"torememberhim.Hisidea istogiveitaprefixbasedonwhateachidentifierrepresents. ...
c语言变量命名规则_较多较乱(C language variable naming rules _ more chaos).doc,c语言变量命名规则_较多较乱(C language variable naming rules _ more chaos) A few years ago, Charles Simonyi (who later became Microsofts famous programmer) devised a prefix-
For code in an @implementation block, use the Objective-C naming rules. For code in a method of a C++ class, use the C++ naming rules.For code in an Objective-C++ file outside of a class implementation, be consistent within the file....
Are C-style macro names subject to the same naming rules as identifiers? After a compiler upgrade, it is now emitting this warning for a legacy application: warning #3649-D: white space is required between the macro name"CHAR_"and its replacement text#defineCHAR_& 38 ...
Naming Rules for Files The value is a string of case-insensitive characters without spaces. The file name formats are as follows: File name A file resides in the current working directory if the file name is in this format. The length of the file name ranges from 1 to 64. Drive + Path...
underscores to be reserved for compiler implementations. The Microsoft convention is to precede Microsoft-specific keyword names with double underscores. These words can't be used as identifier names. For a description of the rules for naming identifiers, including the use of double underscores, see...
color matchang color mates color me healthy color naming defect color negative genera color of my life - el color or sweeteners color pale color panel color positive color practice color prawn color primariescolor color priority color purity ringcolo color ratio color rendering prope color sampler ...
Apple命名规则尽可能坚持,特别是与这些相关的memory management rules(NARC)。 长的,描述性的方法和变量命名是好的。 应该: UIButton *settingsButton; 不应该: UIButton *setBut; 三个字符前缀应该经常用在类和常量命名,但在Core Data的实体名中应被忽略。对于官方的raywenderlich.com书、初学者工具包或教程,前缀...