最小哈希签名(MinHash)简述 最小哈希 什么叫最小哈希,我的理解是,一个很大的集合进行哈希处理的过程其实是由很多小的哈希过程组成。而这些最小的哈希过程就被称为是最小哈希。最小哈希的具体内容就是把一个集合映射到一个编号上。...比如对于集合U=\{a,b,c,d,e\},S_1:\{a,d\},S_2:\{c\},S_...
A simple and fast MinHash implementation in C, with a Python wrapper.InstallC:gcc minhash.c -o minhash gcc mh_fasta.c -o mh_fasta Python:python setup.py install UsageCommand line:minhash <seq> <tile size> <seed> mh_fasta <query_fasta> <target_fasta> <k> <h> <seed> <threshold...
OpenWebText2[5] 对URL 去重后: 193.89 GB(69M) 使用MinHash LSH 后: 65.86 GB(17M) URL + 文档 URL(精确匹配)+ 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? ) 英语 Pile-CC[5] ~306 GB 227.12 GiB(~55M) 文档 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? ) ...
However, there are also use cases for hash functions where it is important that (each bit of) the hash is unbiased and a random function of all bits of the input, such as in algorithms as HyperLogLog or MinHash. For this purpose we also provide foldhash-q, which is simply a post-...
seqs.part1.list $OUTPUT/k25.db # establish number of common 25-mers between single sequence and the database # (minhash filtering that retains 10% of MT159713 k-mers is done automatically prior to the comparison) ./kmer-db one2all $OUTPUT/k25.db $INPUT/data/MT159713.fasta $OUTPUT...
OpenWebText2[5] 对URL 去重后: 193.89 GB(69M) 使用MinHash LSH 后: 65.86 GB(17M) URL + 文档 URL(精确匹配)+ 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? ) 英语 Pile-CC[5] ~306 GB 227.12 GiB(~55M) 文档 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? )...
OpenWebText2[5] 对URL 去重后: 193.89 GB(69M) 使用MinHash LSH 后: 65.86 GB(17M) URL + 文档 URL(精确匹配)+ 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? ) 英语 Pile-CC[5] ~306 GB 227.12 GiB(~55M) 文档 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? ) 英语 数天 ...
OpenWebText2[5] 对URL 去重后: 193.89 GB(69M) 使用MinHash LSH 后: 65.86 GB(17M) URL + 文档 URL(精确匹配)+ 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? ) 英语 Pile-CC[5] ~306 GB 227.12 GiB(~55M) 文档 文档(MinHash LSH) ( 10 , 0.5 , ? , ? , ? ) 英语 数...
MinHash + LSH 参数 $(P, T, K, B, R)$ : $P$ 哈希函数的个数或排列的个数 $T$ Jaccard 相似度阈值 $K$ K- 元组 $B$ 条带数 $R$ 每条带包含的行数 我们做了一个简单的演示程序来说明这些参数对结果的影响: MinHash 数学演示。 例解MinHash 在本节中,我们将详细介绍在 BigCode 中使用的 ...
minhash.c Performs only a single pass (one hash function) over all tiles of given size in the string. Returns: minimum hash value (uint32), position of tile with min hash value mh_fasta.c Parameters: <query_fasta> <target_fasta> <k> <h> <seed> <threshold> ...