C Pointer-to-Function 与 C++ Pointer-to-MemberFunction 的区别 在看APUE Figure1.10的时候发现signal(SIGINT, sig_int)这里的sig_int直接用的函数名,但是看Thinking-in-C++ Vol.2的时候发现mem_fun(&Shape::draw)却对函数名进行了取地址操作,感觉有疑问就查了一下资料,下面的代码可以展示出这两者之间的一些...
&fun是该函数的地址, 为指针类型, fun是一个函数, 会转换成其指针类型, 而对于*fun, 由于fun已经变成了指针类型, 指向这个函数, 所以*fun就是取这个地址的函数, 而又根据function-to-pointer, 该函数也转变成了一个指针, 所以以此类推, 这三个值的结果是相同的. 2:回调函数 通过将回调函数的地址传给调用...
The simple answer to this first question is that a callback function isa function that is called through a function pointer.If you pass the pointer (address) of a function as an argument to another, when that pointer is used to call the function it points to it is said that a call bac...
与C style function pointer并不等价。除非像楼上说的,先造一个全局的callback,然后再调用std::funct...
If the document doesn't handle a given command, it forwards the command to the document template that manages it.When a document's data is modified, each of its views must reflect those modifications. CDocument provides the UpdateAllViews member function for you to notify the views of such ...
For either form, pass a pointer to the parent window object. IfpParentWndis NULL, the dialog box will be created with its parent or owner window set to the main application window. TheCreatemember function returns immediately after it creates the dialog box. ...
error C2511: 'void A::func(void) const': overloaded member function not found in 'A' Example (before) C++ Copy struct A { static void func(); }; void A::func() const {} // C2511 Example(after) C++ Copy struct A { static void func(); }; void A::func() {} // rem...
‘ClassName::FunctionName’ : ‘static’ should not be used on member functions defined at file scope C++ "abc.exe" is not a valid win32 application "Access denied" when trying to get a handle from CreateFile for a Display "An attempt was made to access an unnamed file past its end ...
For either form, pass a pointer to the parent window object. IfpParentWndis NULL, the dialog box will be created with its parent or owner window set to the main application window. TheCreatemember function returns immediately after it creates the dialog box. ...
Is it legal (and moral) for a member function to say delete this? 答案:t.cn/E4Wfcfl 合法,但: 必须保证 this 对象是通过 new(不是 new[]、不是 placement new、不是栈上、不是全局、不是其他对象成员)分配的 必须保证调用 delete this 的成员函数是最后一个调用 this 的成员函数 必须保证成员函数...