include #include \x0d\x0avoid main()\x0d\x0a{\x0d\x0a double i = 2, j =4;\x0d\x0a printf("log2,4 = %f\n",log(j)/log(i));\x0d\x0a}\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a//log函数是以e为底的,还有一个log10以10为底,可以利用logi,j=loge,j/loge,i来算。
log #包含源码文件的makefile OBJS+=$(LOG_OBJ) #添加目标文件 编译测试 编译 执行make: 代码语言:javascript 复制 g++ -I./easylogger/easylogger/inc -I./easylogger/source_code/inc -I./easylogger/source_code/plugins/file -O0 -g3 -Wall -Wall -I. -c main.cpp -o out/main.o main.cpp: ...
用 法: double log10(double x);程序示例:include <math.h> include <stdio.h>int main(void){ double result;double x = 800.6872;result = log10(x);printf("The common log of %lf is %lf\n", x, result);return 0;} 3、函数名: log 功 能: 对数函数log,以e(2.71828)为...
can i find enough of can i get back to you can i have the same d can i just let me go can i play can i take a rain che can i touch youthe can imake it anymore can jia ge zhong can jia kao shi can jia le can jia xue shu can jin can kang can kao jiu dian can li can...
current settingsi current situation and current situation of current status indica current status regist current steering tran current stream current taps and adap current transformatio current work on child current year basis current lateral current-carrying spac current-limiting circ current-value hamilto...
i=((j+k)>(m-n)?(j+k):(m-n));if(((i)%2==0))i++; 如这个例子所显示的,带参数的宏经常用来作为一些简单的函数使用。MAX类似一个从两个值中选取较大的值的函数。IS_EVEN则类似于另一种函数,该函数当参数为偶数时返回1,否则返回0。
错误原因是你在scanf()中用了%f来转换double型,应该用%lf才对。下面改后的运行正确。include <stdio.h> include<math.h> void main(){ double i,x;scanf("%lf",&i);x=log10(i);printf("%f\n",x);getchar();}
On Arch Linux, I recommend installing the following packages via pacman:shaderc vulkan-devel ninja cmake. Building an Island project Important If you freshly cloned the Island repository, remember to update submodules before proceeding. git submodule init git submodule update --depth=1 ...
Interestingly, Y216 is located i(nFitgh. a1tc3)1.0OhnelitxhaenbdasRis21o3f is just preceding the the structure-based sCe-qtueremncienaalli3g1n0 mheelnixt (Fig. 1c), in other CwXeXfCoufnadmitlhyatmtehme b3e1r0s,hetlhixeresfeoqruee, ntchee is not conserved CpGG sequence nature ...