int main () { FILE *fp; char str[60]; /* opening file for reading */ fp = fopen("wenxue.log" , "r"); if(fp == NULL) { perror("Error opening file"); return(-1); } if( fgets (str, 60, fp)!=NULL ) { /* writing content to stdout */ puts(str); } fclose(fp); re...
mslog 1.综述 一款超轻量级的C日志库,无需依赖额外的库,库的设计目标为"简洁,可移植性强"。 库已实际应用到多个实际项目中,测试或移植过的系统有Android,Ubuntu,Centos,Windows,openwrt以及部分嵌入式设备。 2.如何使用 参考mslog_api_sample程序; ...
使用ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE语句重新设置重做日志文件的路径及其名称,代码如下: SQL> alter database rename file 2 '/opt/oracle/oradata/LogFiles/REDO5.LOG', 3 '/opt/oracle/oradata/LogFiles/REDO4.LOG' 4 to 5 '/opt/oracle/oradata/LogFiles/REDO5a.LOG', 6 '/opt/oracle/oradata/LogFiles/RED...
*/#include <stdarg.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include #include <unistd.h>#include <sys/time.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <pthread.h>#include <sys/msg.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <errno.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "log.h"//#ifndef LO...
customers account customers as focus customers friends customers honored customers log on customerserevice customersinfo customesatisfaction customizable beams customize aura sprite customize shelf customize target size customizecustomized customized customized item customized large over customized products customized...
To use the Tencent Cloud Chat service, you need to initialize the SDK and log in. API Description TIMInit Initializes the IM SDK. TIMUninit Uninstalls the IM SDK. TIMGetSDKVersion Gets IM SDK version number. TIMGetServerTime Gets the current server time. TIMSetConfig Sets extra user confi...
logging.file=logs/myapp.loglogging.pattern.file=%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n 1. 2. 在上面的配置中,logging.file指定了日志输出的文件路径,logging.pattern.file指定了日志的输出格式。 使用Slf4j输出日志 在Spring Boot中,一般使用Slf4j进行日志输出。在代码中使用@Slf...
correction of ex-meri correction of gyro co correction of latitud correction of leeway correction of log rea correction of longitu correction of middle correction of motion correction of planets correction of the fla correction of the fla correction plotter correction pulse correction sheet correction ta...
log:计算自然对数。 sin、cos、tan:计算三角函数(正弦、余弦、正切)。 asin、acos、atan:计算反三角函数。 ceil:向上取整。 floor:向下取整。 round:四舍五入。 abs:计算绝对值。 fmod:计算浮点数的余数。 常量: M_PI:圆周率 π 的近似值。 M_E:自然对数的底数 e 的近似值。
FTP/6/FTPC_FILE_TRANSFER: FTP file transfer end.(IPAddress=[IPAddress], LocalFilename=[LocalFilename], RemoteFilename=[RemoteFilename], RetCode=[RetCode], TransSize=[TransSize]bytes, TransTime=[TransTime]second(s)) Description The FTP file transfer is complete. Parameters Parameter NamePara...