result =log10(number); printf("The base 10 logarithm of %.2f is %.2f\n", number, result); return0; } 在这个例子中,我们计算了1000的以10为底的对数,并打印了结果。 注意: 1.log10函数接受一个double类型的参数,并返回一个double类型的结果。 2.如果传递给log10的参数是负数或零,结果是未定义...
_Dcomplex clog10( _Dcomplex z ); _Fcomplex clog10f( _Fcomplex z ); _Lcomplex clog10l( _Lcomplex z ); C++ Copy _Fcomplex clog10( _Fcomplex z ); // C++ only _Lcomplex clog10( _Lcomplex z ); // C++ only Parametersz The base of the logarithm.Return...
This log message is informational only, and no action is required. VPNBASE/6/CONFIRM_TIMEOUT Message VPNBASE/6/CONFIRM_TIMEOUT:When a user did not input any word in [timeout-time]s, the system exited from the operation automatically. Description When a user did not enter any information ...
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A database monitoring/metrics library for pgx and sqlc. Trace, log and monitor your sqlc query performance using OpenTelemetry. Simple Golang implementation for transactional outbox pattern for PostgreSQL using jackc/pgx driver....
m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4: Import from autoconf-archive (serial 10) Aug 14, 2018 protobuf-c Bump version to 1.5.1 Feb 2, 2025 protoc-gen-c protoc-gen-c: Log a deprecation warning when invoked asprotoc-c Jan 26, 2025 t
简介:嵌入式linux下的c语言日志log模块,功能增强(二) 日志是应用的镜子,可以发现应用中的问题,重要性不言而喻。 打造一智能日志模块,让运维朝着自动化方向大步迈进。提高效率,降低成本,这也是一种创造利润的途径。 如今网络越来越方便,这个日志组件除了常规的记录日志外,可以对日志分等级显示不同的颜色,支持按日期...
Run the display users [ all ] command to check the user log information on the user interface. Run the display user-interface console 0 command to check the user interface information. Run the display aaa local-user command to check the local user attributes. Run the display aaa access-use...
log10d32(), log10d64(), log10d128() — Calculate base 10 logarithm log2(), log2f(), log2l() — Calculate the base-2 logarithm log2d32(), log2d64(), log2d128() — Calculate the base-2 logarithm longjmp() — Restore stack environment _longjmp() — Nonlocal goto lra...