#include<sys/file.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>intmain(){FILE*f=fopen("temp","w+");if(!f){printf("error file\n");return0;}if(0==flock(fileno(f),LOCK_EX)){printf("lock...\n");getchar();fclose(f);flock(fileno(f),LOCK_UN);}else{printf("lock failed\n");}retur...
Double-entry accounting system based on node.js + Sequelize - ale/yarn.lock at fa17bcb0c66c47f1ea2218a4e15e0044ce517d09 · CjS77/ale
nodejs module to interact with busware cul / culfw - cul/package-lock.json at a5ad37c67c135f6ff5338b3c9d429d5cff4f21ec · hobbyquaker/cul
couple file couple pair coupled apparatus coupled dipole coupled dual-rotor coupled inductors coupled with massagin coupled-cavity coupledfmoscillation coupledmotions coupledroll coupler compressing g coupler lock set coupler pivot pin couples retreat coupling alignment coupling apparatus coupling box gt coupli...
coupler lock coupler lock lift coupler loss coupler maximum cente coupler minimum cente coupler neck couple role coupler pivot lug coupler pivot pin couplerpocket coupler seat coupler shank coupler slack couplersocket coupler star directio coupler support plate coupler tail coupler tail end face coupler...
Lock file: C:\Users\Administrator\.gradle\caches\modules-2\modules-2.lock,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Caps Lock key NotShift Lock. captions Seefigure captions;table captions. card Refers to a removable circuit board that’s installed in a slot. See alsoboard;peripheral card. card names Capitalize the wordcardin a card name only if it’s part of the name (for example,AirPort Extreme Card)....
lock.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /** * @brief 尝试获取文件锁 * @details 获取文件锁时不会阻塞进程, 获取不到锁时,立即返回不会等待 * @param fd 文件描...
flock(fd, LOCK_EX); new_fd = dup(fd); flock(new_fd, LOCK_UN); 这段代码先在fd上设置一个互斥锁,然后通过fd创建一个指向相同文件的新文件描述符new_fd,最后通过new_fd来解锁。从而我们可以得知新的文件描述符指向了同一个锁。所以,如果通过一个特定的文件描述符获取了一个锁并且创建了该描述符的一...
chmod a+t 目录 设置粘住位 粘住位:可执行程序正文副本保存在交换区。目录设置了粘住位,只有对目录有写权限加上1.拥有文件;2.拥有目录;3.root三种之一 才可以删除或更名目录下的文件。 chown fchown lchown更改文件用户ID truncate(pathnane, length) ftruncate(filedes, length) 截断文件或创建空洞 ...