cutting and cutting a cutting by twisting cutting dies cutting edge of die cutting edge n cutting equipment cutting film cutting line by line cutting machinery cutting piece winamp cutting press cutting process analy cutting tools ceramic cutting making trimmi cuttingbroke cuttingequipment cuttings buil...
common language code common language famil common line common lisp common lisp object sy common local optimiza common logic address commonly seen wirewor commonly used image p commonly used legal t commonly used system common machine langua common machine langua common management inf common management ...
Debug: Help: ? : help help : help /[keyword] : search keyword in help information Source: v {[line]}: view source code {around [line]} V [stack] : view source code in function call stack t : show function call stack Evaluation: p [expr] : evaluate expression (no declaration/loop...
#define DEBUGARGS __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__ #endif root@xuanfei-desktop:~/cpropram/2# cat funca.c #include "global.h" int funca(void) { printf (DEBUGFMT " this is function\n",DEBUGARGS); return 0; } root@xuanfei-desktop:~/cpropram/2# cat funcb.c #include "global....
c {[line]}: continue {to [line]} e : step out from function b [line] : set break point db [line] : delete break point a [assert]: break only if assertion is true Quit: q : quit Nieuw 4 nov 2015 Versie 1.2.1 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch ...
上面的DEBUG定义的方式是两条语句的组合,不可能在产生返回值,因此不能使用它的返回值。 05.调试宏的第二种定义方式 调试宏的第二种定义方式 #define DEBUG(fmt, args...) printf("file:%s function: %s line: %d "fmt, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args) ...
copy(a, a +3, b +1);// C4996// try the following line instead:// copy(a, a + 3, checked_array_iterator<int *>(b, 3)); // OK} 不安全的 MFC 或 ATL 程式碼 如果您使用因安全考量而被取代的 MFC 或 ATL 函式,也可能會發生 C4996。
0 0 1[28] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0003c7 0000c0 00 0 0 1[29] .debug_info PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000487 000d0a 00 0 0 1[30] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 0000000000000000 001191 000390 00 0 0 1[31] .debug_line PROGBITS 0000000000000000 001521 00047b 00 0 0 1[32] .debug_...
#defineDEBUG 这里顺便提一下,如上面的例子所示,宏定义中的替换列表为空是合法的。 当宏作为常量使用时,C程序员习惯在名字中只使用大写字母。但是并没有如何将用于其他目的的宏大写的统一做法。由于宏(特别是带参数的宏)可能是程序中错误的来源,所以一些程序员更喜欢使用大写字母来引起注意。其他人则倾向于小写,即...
Line 488 in087be99 name=name:gsub("clang$","clang++") In theory, it has been replaced with clang++ internally. . This problem was fixed a long time ago. . print(name)name=name:gsub("clang$","clang++")name=name:gsub("clang%-","clang++-")name=name:gsub("gcc$","g++")name=nam...