51CTO博客已为您找到关于c json对象 查找 find的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及c json对象 查找 find问答内容。更多c json对象 查找 find相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
root);fflush(fp);//释放资源fclose(fp);json_free_value(&root);///读取文件json_t*document=NULL;fp=fopen("test.json","r");if(fp==NULL){goto failed;}//解析文件到json documentjson_stream_parse(fp,&document);if(document==NULL){goto failed;}//查找int类型 uid;json_t*key=json_find...
我检查了cJSON的CMakeLists.txt脚本,确实创建了cjson-staticimport target,而且release/cJSON_x86_64-linux-gnu/lib下也确实生成了静态库libcjson.a.但是find_package就是没找到cjson-staticimport target. 再仔细研究cJSON的CMakeLists.txt脚本,发现了问题,问题出下面这段在安装cjson-statictarget的代码上,这是c...
typedef struct cJSON { //cJSON结构体struct cJSON*next,*prev; /* 遍历数组或对象链的前向或后向链表指针*/struct cJSON *child; /*数组或对象的孩子节点*/int type; /* key的类型*/char *valuestring; /*字符串值*/int valueint; /* 整数值*/double valuedouble; /* 浮点数值*/char *string;...
gcc cJSON.c test.c -o test -lm ./test As a library, cJSON exists to take away as much legwork as it can, but not get in your way. As a point of pragmatism (i.e. ignoring the truth), I'm going to say that you can use it in one of two modes: Auto and Manual. Let's...
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) Warning: doxygen not found, the 'doc' target will not be included -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/zjh/json-c-json-c-0.16-20220414/build ...
= QJsonParseError::NoError) { std::cout << "JSON格式错误" << std::endl; return 0; } // 获取到Json字符串的根节点 QJsonObject root_object = root_document.object(); // 解析单一对象 QJsonObject get_dict_ptr = root_object.find("GetDict").value().toObject(); QVariantMap map = ...
并修改QJsonObject get_dict_ptr=root.find("GetDict").value().toObject();// 修改对象内存数据get_dict_ptr["address"]="";get_dict_ptr["username"]="lyshark";get_dict_ptr["password"]="12345678";get_dict_ptr["update"]="2021-09-25";// 赋值给根root["GetDict"]=get_dict_ptr;...
can not find the modulecjson what could be the problem? Member agentzhcommentedSep 13, 2018 @luisgarcia1010This lua-resty-upload library itself never uses the lua-cjson library. Why are you reporting it as a lua-resty-upload issue?
cschedulingjson-cucontext UpdatedJan 14, 2022 C experiments on json-c(v0.13) to ensure that no memory leakage is present in the library. clinuxvalgrindjson-carm-linux UpdatedAug 17, 2021 C 🐈 Find empty classrooms any time phpangularjson-cenghacks ...