Q10. Explain the difference between Type Casting and Type Conversion in C with examples? Basic C Programming Interview Questions for Freshers 1. List the data types supported in the C Language. The data types supported in C Programming Language are: int, float, double, char, void. int is us...
《Cracking the coding interview》 上面这四本我觉得都是必备的,里面的题目解决思路要数量掌握,能够举一反三、解决相关变种问题。同时,里面的题目,应该都要在纸上实现,然后再在电脑里实现、测试。Bug-free是面试中重点考察,面试官也会经常让面试者写测试用例,所以,平时我们要养成这些好的习惯。 下面也推荐一本经典...
Fork the GitHub repo:https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-universityby clicking on the Fork button. Clone to your local repo: git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/coding-interview-university.gitcdcoding-interview-university git remote add upstream https://github...
See Resume prep items in Cracking The Coding Interview and back of Programming Interviews Exposed Be thinking of for when the interview comes Think of about 20 interview questions you'll get, along with the lines of the items below. Have 2-3 answers for each. Have a story, not just data...
Cracking the Coding Interview is a guide on navigating the interview process at software behemoths. It teaches you everything you need to know and allows you to give your finest performance. It explains how to find hints and hidden subtleties in a question, how to break down a problem into...
In this article, we will discuss some interesting problems on C language that can help students to brush up their C programming skills and help them prepare their C fundamentals for interviews. Question: There is a hidden problem with the following code.
(Terribly sorry, I'm a complete novist to coding with C, am looking for inspiration and general tips on how to code and create this program.) 1093 How to create a program that lists the capital country when told what the original country is? (Terribly sorry, I'm a novice programmer...
Two programming languages, which have shaped the way in which human beings look at coding in general and development, in particular, are none other than C and Java. On one hand, where C is one of the earliest languages that had been developed and has served as the foundations of the deve...
coding interview. The typical technical interview will include several kinds of questions, discussions and introductions about the projects done by the people, in-depth questions about the frameworks, coding challenges and several other things. It is very much important to have perfect idea about the...
I still think this interview question is a good one for a coding question, though obviously I wouldn’t expect a candidate to write one of the optimized solutions on the whiteboard. We usually think of I/O as expensive, but I/O isn’t the bottleneck here. In the case of benchmarks,...