Convert int to LPCSTR: LPCSTR is (long) pointer to constant string, we use _itoa_s() to safely convert a value to a null-terminated character string. Then you can use the string with invoking its buffer, like this:prettyprint 复制 ...
bool plot_matrix(LPCSTR lpsczMatPage, LPCSTR lpcszGraphTemplate = "contour" , int nPlotID = IDM_PLOT_CONTOUR) { // 特定行列ページから行列オブジェクトを取得 MatrixPage matPage = Project.MatrixPages(lpsczMatPage); if( !matPage ) { out_str("Invalid matrix page"); return false; } ...
void Dbg_TractGetTextExtent(LPCSTR lpString, int cbString, LPSIZE lpSize); void Dbg_TractGetTextExtent(LPCWSTR lpString, int cbString, LPSIZE lpSize); void Dbg_TraceExtTextOutW(int nXStart, int nYStart, UINT fuOptions, LPCWSTR lpString, int cbString, const int* lpDx); void Dbg_TraceScript...