C++引进了内联函数(inline function)的概念。 宏替换实质上是文字替换。内联函数与一般函数不同的是,在进行程序的编译时,编译器将内联函数的目标代码作拷贝并将其插入到调用内联函数的地方。 例1.7 内联函数的使用 #include "iostream.h" inline double circle(double r) {return 3.1416*r*r;} int main() ...
以下使用GNU89的标准 1.内联的定义: 内联就是一个关键字inline加载函数定义处,告诉编译器在编译的时候请对这个函数调用的地方进行内联调用(这里说的请,编译器可以拒绝这个操作因为内联函数的失败) 2.内联函数的作用 内联是为了节约函数的调用开销而诞生的,我们在调用一
when the function is called: inline void toggle_led(); The console text (command line and errors) follows: *** Build of configuration Debug for project MSP430-flash1 ***C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\utils\gmake\gmake -k all 'Building file: ../main.c''Invoking: Compile...
7.1 函数组织(Function Organization) 220 7.1.1 程序构成(Program Composition)220 7.1.2 程序文件拆分(Program File Split)221 7.2 头文件(Header File)222 7.2.1 原始头文件(Original Header File)222 7.2.2 界面头文件(Interface Header File)224 7.2.3 头文件的内容(Content ...
repetitive addition of the inline code will increase the size of your program in direct proportion to the number of times the function is called. And, obviously, the larger the function, the more significant the size increase will be. The resulting program runs faster, but now requires more ...
inline return-type function-name(parameters) { } 请记住,内联只是对编译器的请求,而不是命令。编译器可以忽略内联请求。在以下情况下,编译器可能不会执行内联:1.如果函数包含循环。(对于while,do-while)2.如果函数包含静态变量。3.如果函数是递归的。4.如果函数的返回类型不是void,并且return语句在函数体中不存...
Inline Function Expansion for Compiling C Program立即下载 举报资源相关资源.An.introduction.to.Programming.the.Microchip.PIC.in.CCS.C Expert C Programming ST MCU Programming Toolkit Functional Safety in Automotive Bluetooth software expansion for STM32Cube SIMULINK/s-function教程 《MATLAB的S-Function编写...
You can define as inline a function with thedllexportattribute. In this case, the function is always instantiated and exported, whether or not any module in the program references the function. The function is presumed to be imported by another program. ...
Compiler warning (level 4) C4505'function': unreferenced local function has been removed Compiler warning (level 1) C4506no definition for inline function 'function' Compiler warning (level 1) C4508'function': function should return a value; 'void' return type assumed ...