String output;InfixExpressionToPostfixExpressiontheTran=newInfixExpressionToPostfixExpression(input); output = theTran.doTrans(); System.out.println("Infix is "+ input); System.out.println("Postfix is "+ output); }//得到后缀表达式publicStringdoTrans(){for(inti=0;i < input.length();i++) {ch...
postfix[j++] = pop(&stack); }postfix[j] = '\0'; }int main() { char infix[MAX], postfix[MAX];printf("Enter infix expression: "); scanf("%s", infix);infixToPostfix(infix, postfix);printf("Postfix: %s\n", postfix);return 0; ...
infix_to_postfix(str,new_str,len); printf("Postfix : "); printf("%s",new_str); return 0; } Output: Enter the length : 23 Enter the expression : a+b*(c^d-e)/(f+g*h^s)-i Postfix : abcd^e-*fghs^*+/+i- That’s all about Infix to postfix conversion in C Was this pos...
Example of Infix to Postfix Conversion Let's take an example to better understand the algorithm Infix Expression:A+(B*C-(D/E^F)*G)*H, where^is an exponential operator. Step by step output for infix to postfix conversion Input StringOutput StackOperator Stack ...
char infix[] = "a+b*(c^d-e)^(f+g*h)-i"; infixToPostfix(infix); return 0; } 相关问题与解答: 1、什么是中缀表达式和后缀表达式? 答:中缀表达式是运算符位于操作数中间的表示方式,而后缀表达式(逆波兰表示法)则是运算符位于操作数之后的表示方式。
voidinfix_to_postfix(char[],int);/*由中序转后序函数*/ intcompare(char,char);/*比较两个运算符函数*/ /*在中序表达式队列及暂存堆栈中,运算符的优先权表,其优先值为INDEX/2*/ charinfix_priority[9]={'#',')','+','-','*','/','^','','('}; charstack_priority[8]={'#','(...
在main函数中,我们通过scanf函数读取用户输入的中缀表达式,并将其存储在infix数组中。 4. 调用转换函数 调用infixToPostfix函数,将读取到的中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式,并存储在postfix数组中。 5. 输出或返回转换后的后缀表达式 在main函数的最后,通过printf函数输出转换后的后缀表达式。 以上代码实现了中缀表达式到后缀...
string infixToPostfix(string infix) { stringstream postfix; stack<char> opStack; for (int i = 0; i < infix.length(); i++) { char ch = infix[i]; if (isOperator(ch)) { while (!opStack.empty() && isOperator( && getPriority( >= getPriority(ch)) ...
infixToPostfix(infixExp, postfixExp); printf("后缀表达式为:%s\n", postfixExp); //计算后缀表达式的值并输出 int result = evaluatePostfix(postfixExp); printf("计算结果为:%d\n", result); return 0; ``` 这个简易计算器的实现基于栈的数据结构。它首先将用户输入的中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式,然后计算...
infix to postfix conversion in simple C prog language Jan 3 '08, 03:02 PM Does anyone know a simple C program to covert an infix to a postfix expression?plz kindly help! Tags: None sicarie Recognized Expert Specialist Join Date: Nov 2006 Posts: 4677 #2 Jan 3 '08, 03:04 PM ...