相对路径(relative path)是从当前目录(文件夹)开始查找文件;当前目录是指需要引入头文件的源文件所在的目录,这也是本文开头提到的“当前路径”。 以Windows 为例, 假设在E:/cDemo/中有源文件 main.c 和头文件 xyz.h,那么在 main.c 中使用#include "./xyz.h"语句就可以引入 xyz.h,其中./表示当前目录,也...
相对路径(relative path)是从当前目录(文件夹)开始查找文件;当前目录是指需要引入头文件的源文件所在的目录,这也是本文开头提到的“当前路径”。 以Windows 为例, 假设在E:/cDemo/中有源文件 main.c 和头文件 xyz.h,那么在 main.c 中使用#include "./xyz.h"语句就可以引入 xyz.h,其中./表示当前目录,也...
#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>int main() {const char* filename = std::getenv("PWD"); //获取当前工作目录std::cout << filename << std::endl;return 0;} 使用cmake中的变量重定义__FILE__宏的CMake示例 根目录遍历子目录情况一:如果源文件在多个目录下,比如src和lib # 遍历 src 目录下...
warning C4464: relative include path contains '..' Example (before) C++ Copy #include "..\headers\C4426.h" // emits warning C4464 Example (after) C++ Copy #include "C4426.h" // add absolute path to 'headers\' to your project's include directories Additionally, although the ...
--include_directories (../include):把include目录的头文件包含进来。 --set (EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin):这里面的EXECUTABLE_OUT_PATH和PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR是CMake自带的预定义变量,同时他们的作用分别如下: EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH :目标二进制可执行文件的存放位置 ...
1、stackoverflow上回答较高的解释 the quoted form is for "local" includes of files (you need to specify the relative path from the current file, e.g. #include "headers/my_header.h"), while the angle-bracket form is for "global" includes -- those found somewhere on the include path pa...
which is consistent with include_directories() and other commands. The OLD behavior for this policy is to use relative paths verbatim in the linker command. The NEW behavior for this policy is to convert relative paths to absolute paths by appending the relative path to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DI...
"/usr/include/opencv-3.1.0-dev/opencv"non-existent path 解决"/usr/include/opencv-3.1.0-dev/opencv"non-existent path问题 CUDA nvcc redefinition of argument 'std' CMake 3.x + CUDA - compilation busted SET(CUDA_PROPAGATE_HOST_FLAGS OFF) ...
命令语法:include_directories([AFTER|BEFORE][SYSTEM] dir1 dir2 …) 命令简述:用于设定目录,这些设定的目录将被编译器用来查找 include 文件 使用范例:include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib) find_path命令 命令语法:find_path(<VAR>name1 [path1 path2 …]) 命令简述:用于查找包含文件 name1 的路...