耗散算子 / Hermitian算子 / 算子半群 / C-半群 引用本文 导出引用 李扬荣. C-半群的Lumer-Phillips定理与C-Hermitian算子. 数学学报, 1997, 40(1): 43-52 https://doi.org/10.12386/A1997sxxb0006 YangRong Li. Lumer-Phillips Theorem for C-Semigroups and C-Hemitian Operators. Acta Mathema...
C代数上算子方程和的Hermitian解 来自 维普期刊专业版 喜欢 0 阅读量: 52 作者: 胡春梅 摘要: 本文主要讨论了C*代数上方程ax=c和xb=d的解的情况,分别给出了其Hermitian解存在的充要条件,并给出了两方程公共解的形式. 关键词: C*代数;算子方程;Hermitian解 年份: 2013 ...
[6]李扬荣.C-半群的Lumer-Phillips定理与C-Hermitian算子[J].数学学报,1997,40(1):43-52. [7]GUBREEV G M,OLEFIR E I,TARASENKO A A.Linear combinations of the volterra dissipative operator and its adjoint operator[J]. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal,2013,65(5):780-786. [8]MOSKALEVA Y P.Mu...
/// A StepwiseDenseOutput class implementation using Hermitian interpolators, /// and therefore a _continuous extension_ of the solution 𝐱(t) (see /// [Engquist, 2105]). This concept can be recast as a type of dense output that
摘要: This paper studies almost Hermitian, J-symmetric representations of *-algebras on Π k -spaces. It applies the results obtained to the theory of *-derivations δ of C * -algebras implemented by symmetric operators S.DOI: 10.2140/pjm.1996.174.411 被引量: 18 ...
We formulate a consistent 1/ N c 2 expansion of the QCD evolution equations for the twist-three quark distributions g 2( x, Q 2), h L( x, Q 2) and e( x, Q 2) based on the interpretation of the evolution as a three-particle quantum-mechanical problem with hermitian Hamiltonian. ...
* N (input) The order of the matrix. N >= 0. * D (input) The n diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix T. * E (input) The (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix T, stored in elements 1 to N-1; E(N) need not be set. ...
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Summary: Methods for constructing of operators of Hermitian interlineation of the recovery of differentiable functions of two variables on a system of smooth disjoint curves that preserve the class of differentiability $C^r(\mathbb R^2)$ are studied. To construct these operators, the traces of th...