if(GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &pmc,sizeof(pmc))) { if(mem) *mem = pmc.WorkingSetSize; if(vmem) *vmem = pmc.PagefileUsage; return0; } return-1; } intget_io_bytes(uint64_t* read_bytes, uint64_t* write_bytes) { IO_COUNTERS io_counter; if(GetProcessIoCounters(GetCur...
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { return FALSE; } if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &sedebugnameValue)) { CloseHandle(hToken); return false; } tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Luid = sedebu...
3.进程和线程相关的函数和宏: CreateProcess 和 TerminateProcess:用于创建和终止进程。 GetCurrentProcess 和 GetCurrentThread:用于获取当前进程和线程的句柄。 CreateThread 和 ExitThread:用于创建和退出线程。 Sleep 和 WaitForSingleObject:用于控制线程的等待和延迟。 4.动态链接库(DLL)相关的函数和宏: LoadLibrary 和...
#include<windows.h>#include<tlhelp32.h>#include<stdio.h>intGet_Process_Status(constchar*procressName){charpName[MAX_PATH];strcpy(pName,procressName);// 拷贝数组CharLowerBuff(pName,MAX_PATH);// 将名称转换为小写PROCESSENTRY32 currentProcess;// 存放快照进程信息的一个结构体currentProcess.dwSize=...
{while(1){if(!getProcess("process1.exe"))//假设保护进程process1不存在,则启动该进程{system("start process1.exe");}Sleep(10);//同意睡0.01秒,不能擅自脱离防守}system("pause");return0;} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
(currentProcess.szExeFile,pName)==0)// 比较是否存在此进程{CloseHandle(hProcess);return1;}bMore=Process32Next(hProcess,¤tProcess);}CloseHandle(hProcess);}return-1;}intmain(int argc,char*argv[]){int ret=Get_Process_Status("qq.exe");if(ret==1)printf("正在运行. \n");elseprintf("...
cuviers toucan rampha cuz deep inside im cr cuz ill win im a one- cuz im only dreaming cuz if i can get up a cuz its my birthday cuz im being taken ov cuz im going on ahead cuz youre the closest cu customs demurrage cuÔc xe dÊm cuĪmiÁnshÙ hypnotismh cv conduction velo...
cant explain it its i cant get it cant help falling cant i just quit it a cant live if living i cant remember the nam cant resist cant stand this hell cant stop the rain fr cant you finish it to cant you see that i a cant you see the comi cantresistdoing can committee on airc ...
Handle to the process whose access token is opened. If the default value of NULL is used, the current process is used. Return Value Returns true on success, false on failure. Remarks Calls theOpenProcessTokenWin32 function. Requirements
gh-109649: Add os.process_cpu_count() function (#109907) … c815210 vstinner changed the title os.cpu_count(): add "affinity" parameter to get the number of logical CPUs usable by the current process os.process_cpu_count(): get the number CPUs usable by the current process Sep 30...