GetClientRect() 获取窗口客户区的大小,返回的CRect的左上角坐标永远为(0,0) GetWindowRect() 首先说一说GetWindowRect()在帮助文档中的介绍是:The dimensions are given in screen coordinates relative to the upper-left corner of the display screen. The dimensions of the caption, border, and scroll bars...
CWindow::GetClientRect 检索工作区的坐标。 CWindow::GetDC 检索工作区的显示上下文。 CWindow::GetDCEx 检索工作区的设备上下文,并允许剪辑选项。 CWindow::GetDescendantWindow 检索指定的后代窗口。 CWindow::GetDlgControl 检索指定控件上的接口。 CWindow::GetDlgCtrlID 检索窗口的标识符(仅适用于子窗口)。 CWin...
GetClientRect函数获取登录窗口的矩形区域,即登录窗口中除去标题栏的矩形区域,MoveWindow函数调整控件的尺寸(即CreateWindow函数中的第4~7个参数); <2>WM_PAINT消息处理 1caseWM_PAINT ://处理窗口产生无效区域时发来的消息2GetClientRect ( hwnd, &rect ) ;3hdc = BeginPaint ( hwnd, &ps ) ;4TextOut ( h...
RECT rcClient, rcWind; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcClient); GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rcWind); int cx = ((rcWind.right - rcWind.left) - rcClient.right) / 2; int cy = ((rcWind.bottom - + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)) - rcClient.bottom) / 2; // 设置圆形区域 HRGN rgn = ...
参数 要求 请参见 添加本主题是为了让内容更加完整。有关详细信息,请参阅所安装的 Visual Studio 的 VC\atlmfc\src\mfc 文件夹中的源代码。 复制 void GetClientRect( CRect& rect ) const; 参数 [in] rect 要求 标头: afxdockingpanesrow.h 请参见 参考 CDockingPanesRow Class 层次结构图中文...
SeeGetClientRectin the Windows SDK. Example c++Copy //The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and//calls CWindow::GetClientRect() to get the client area rectangle//of the windowCWindow myWindow; myWindow.Attach(hWnd); RECT rc; myWindow.GetClientRect(&rc); ...
void GetClientRect( RECT * lpRect )ParameterslpRect [output] Points to a RECT structure that will receive the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the client area.ReturnExamplesEX1 //Please make sure you have a worksheet window exist when you run the example int Window_...
CWindow::GetClientRect CWindow::GetDC CWindow::GetDCEx CWindow::GetDescendantWindow CWindow::GetDlgControl CWindow::GetDlgCtrlID CWindow::GetDlgHost CWindow::GetDlgItem CWindow::GetDlgItemInt CWindow::GetDlgItemText CWindow::GetExStyle CWindow::GetFont CWindow::GetHotKey CWindow::GetIcon CWindow...
CDockingPanesRow::GetAvailableSpaceCopy virtual void GetAvailableSpace(CRect& rect); Parameters[in] rectRemarksCDockingPanesRow::GetClientRectC++ Copy void GetClientRect(CRect& rect) const; Parameters[in] rectRemarksCDockingPanesRow::GetDockSite...