在C++中,可以使用指针来访问vector中的元素。以下是一个示例,展示了如何返回指向vector元素的指针: 代码语言:cpp 复制 #include<iostream> #include<vector> int* getElementPointer(std::vector<int>& vec, int index) { return &vec[index]; } int main() { std::vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, ...
使用以上定义和函数,我们就可以像下面这样定义和操作一个vector数组:int main() { Vector vec; initVector(&vec); addElement(&vec, 1); addElement(&vec, 2); addElement(&vec, 3); printf("%d\n", getElement(&vec, 0)); // 输出:1 printf("%d\n", getElement(&vec, 1)); // 输出:2 ...
若要删除std::vector中的element,正规的方式该用find() generic algorithm,若find()找到了,会传回该iterator,若找不到,将传回vector.end()。这种写法远比用for loop干净很多。 1 /* 2 (C) OOMusou 2006http://oomusou.cnblogs.com 3 4 Filename : VectorFindAndErase.cpp 5 Compiler : Visual C++ 8.0...
(使用find) (C/C++) (STL) 若要删除std::vector中的element,正规的方式该用find() generic algorithm,若find()找到了,会传回该iterator,若找不到,将传回vector.end()。这种写法远比用for loop干净很多。 1/**//* 2(C) OOMusou 2006 3 4Filename : VectorFindAndErase.cpp 5Compiler : Visual C++ ...
CVector vecPosition; pElement->GetAttachedPosition ( vecPosition ); pElement->SetPosition ( vecPosition ); } } m_bUpdatingSpatialData =false; } } 开发者ID:Bargas,项目名称:mtasa-blue,代码行数:21,代码来源:CElement.cpp boolCEntityAddPacket::Write ( NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream )const{SPos...
Aniteratorthatdesignatesthefirstelementremainingbeyondanyelementsremoved,orapointertotheendofthevectorifnosuchelementexists. 也就是说erase的返回值是返回被删除元素向后的第一个元素,按照我的代码,在删除元素后的第一个元素下我又++了,那么就跳过了那一个元素,自然结果就不是我想要的。因此我再次修改代码如下: ...
How to watch each element in a vector when debugging how to work with font on C++ (.ttf) How to write a DCOM project using VC++ How to write a UTF8 Unicode file with Byte Order Marks in C/C++ How to write in a new line in a file in MFC? How to write into a csv file in ...
complete vector complete wisdom complete with sports completecover completed all levels completed by the foll completed change orde completedissociation completeharvester completejointpenetrat completely apathy completely covered wo completely environmen completely frozen completely liberalize completely reducible comple...
Defines the interface for an STL/CLR vector object. C# Copy public interface IVector<TValue> : ICloneable, Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr.Generic.IRandomAccessContainer<TValue>, System.Collections.ICollection Type Parameters TValue The type of an element in the controlled sequence. Implements IRandom...
在下文中一共展示了CElement::getOrder方法的2个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: computeQuadratures ▲点赞 9▼ voidShapeFunctionPool::computeQuadratures(conststd::vector<MshElemType::type>& elem_types...