名称描述 CDocument::OnFileSendMail 发送附加了文档的邮件。 CDocument::OnUpdateFileSendMail 如果存在邮件支持,则启用“发送邮件”命令。公共数据成员展开表 “属性”描述 CDocument::m_bGetThumbnailMode 指定CDocument 对象是由 dllhost 为缩略图创建的。 应在 CView::OnDraw 中检查。 CDocument::m_bPreview...
C:\exefile<file.in 于是exefile的标准输入就被“<”重定向到了file.in,c此时程序exefile只会专心致志地从文件file.in中读取数据,而不再理会你此后按下的任何一个按键, 再如,若键入如下命令行 C:\exefile>file.out 于是,exefile的标准输出就被“>”重定向到了文件file.out中,此时程序exefile的所有输出内...
//First filter in the list will be titled "All Image Files", and //will accept files with any extension supported by any importer. CImage::GetImporterFilterString( strImporters, aguidFileTypes, _T("All Image Files")); dwExclude 一组位标志,指定要从列表中排除的文件类型。 允许的标志包括:...
Thesrc/also contains the "shell.c" file which is the main program for the "sqlite3.exe"command-line shelland the "tclsqlite.c" file which implements theTcl bindingsfor SQLite. (Historical note: SQLite began as a Tcl extension and only later escaped to the wild as an independent library....
sudo apt-get install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-tools-`uname -r` perf 的版本需要与 Linux kernel 的版本保持一致,安装命令中的 uname -r 确保了这一点 使用方法: 运行结束后会在当前的目录下产生一个名为 perf.data 的文件 对结果进行可视化: 可以使用perf自带的子命令分析profiling结果...
尽管CMake 是跨平台的,在我们的项目中我们努力使源代码能够在不同平台、操作系统和编译器之间移植,但有时源代码并不完全可移植;例如,当使用依赖于供应商的扩展时,我们可能会发现有必要根据平台以略有不同的方式配置和/或构建代码。这对于遗留代码或交叉编译尤其相关,
To resolve errors, include <cmath> to get the declarations of the functions that were removed from <math.h>. These functions were moved: double abs(double) and float abs(float) double pow(double, int), float pow(float, float), float pow(float, int), long double pow(long double, long...
//First filter in the list will be titled "All Image Files", and //will accept files with any extension supported by any importer. CImage::GetImporterFilterString( strImporters, aguidFileTypes, _T("All Image Files")); dwExclude Set of bit flags specifying which file types to exclude fr...
//First filter in the list will be titled "All Image Files", and //will accept files with any extension supported by any importer. CImage::GetImporterFilterString( strImporters, aguidFileTypes, _T("All Image Files")); dwExclude 一组位标志,指定要从列表中排除的文件类型。 允许的标志包括:...