int sample_rate = 48000; // Sample rate in Hz int frequency = 44000; // Frequency of the sine wave in Hz int amplitude = 32767; // Amplitude of the sine wave int phase = 0; // Phase of the sine wave in degrees int generate_sine_wave_sample() { static int current_sample = 0;...
在上面的代码中,`generateSineWave`函数接受频率、采样率和时长作为参数,并计算出样本数量`numSamples`以及每个样本的时间间隔`dt`。然后,使用循环在指定的时长内生成正弦波数据,并通过`printf`函数打印出来。 将上述代码保存为一个C文件,然后使用C编译器编译运行,将会生成指定频率的正弦波数据。你可以将生成的数据保存...
// 生成正弦波信号 void generate_sine_wave(double *signal, int length, double frequency, double sample_rate) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { signal[i] = sin(2 * PI * frequency * i / sample_rate); } } // 主函数 int main() { int signal_length = 1000; // 信号长度...
void generateComplexWave(float *buffer, int length, int sampleRate) { float *sineWave = (float*)malloc(length * sizeof(float)); float *squareWave = (float*)malloc(length * sizeof(float)); generateSineWave(sineWave, length, sampleRate, 440.0); generateSquareWave(squareWave, length, sample...
return wave; } void saveWaveToFile(SoundWave wave, const char* filename) { FILE* file = fopen(filename, "wb"); int numSamples = SAMPLE_RATE * DURATION; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { double time = (double)i / SAMPLE_RATE; double value = generateSineWave(wave.freq...
/* for generate 1KHz sine wave, call it per 125us */ unsignedcharwaveform_output(void) { unsignedchardac_value; dac_value = *waveform_data++; if(waveform_data >= &sine_table[8]) { waveform_data = &sine_table[0]; } returndac_value; ...
2); // Generate the data and draw the sine wave double x_scale = (double) li_...
RPOR3bits.RP6R = 0; // RP6 is a default pin to be driven manually to generate SS1 RPO...
Generate Cosine Wave Addition of Sine and Cosine Wave Subtraction of Sine and Cosinge Wave Generates Other Waves Square Waves Traingular Waves Option to change Font and Background Color as Specified.. Coding challenge: As the frequency of the signal increases, the signal narrows. However, as the...
(though some beeps may use the hardware speaker) if you can't adjust frequency / length (or if it doesn't beep) on osx: install sox (from or on unix: install sox If you know of any other way to reliably generate sine wave sound or beep on anykind of ...