C语言游戏设计.pdf,C 语言游戏设计 摘要 本课题的目的主要是 C 语言的综合编程能力的掌握,培养自身的分析问 题和解决问题的能力及逻辑思维能力。该课题主要包括使用 C 语言制作 “贪吃 蛇” “黑白棋”,主要考察对函数、结构体,指针,文件等的操作,以及 C 语言基 本规则和算
Microsoft C Game Programming For The Absolute Beginner (Premier Press).pdf文档分类:管理/人力资源 | 页数:约394页 举报非法文档有奖 文档列表 文档介绍 Microsoft C Game Programming For The Absolute Beginner (Premier Press) 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处....
The first 20 chapters introduce and teach C programming with many examples.This linkis to an .mp4 of the asteroids game from the book. It’s about 90 seconds long and demonstrates all of the features of the game. High score table, rotating asteroids (four sizes), sound, explosions, ship ...
文档分类:IT计算机|页数:约451页 文档列表文档介绍 [Visual.C#游戏编程入门].Visual.C.Sharp.Game.Programming.for.Teens.2011.(美)Jonathan.Harbour.插图版 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:451 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:1243595614 ...
librg - Pure C99 game networking library for building simple and elegant cross-platform multiplayer client-server solutions. Apache-2.0 MATHC - Math library for 2D and 3D programming. ZLib Orx - Portable, lightweight, plugin-based, data-driven, 2D-oriented game engine. Zlib Quake - Quake eng...
musikcube: 一个跨平台的,基于终端的音频引擎,库,播放器和服务器写在c++中。tmux: Tmux是一种终端...
Transform your 2D game into a 3D game Setting up level progressions for your games Use Object oriented programming with your 3D game Share your games and achievements with your loved ones Instructions and Navigation Assumed Knowledge To fully benefit from the coverage included in this course, you ...
2.Tinyhttpd(7.3k+ star)一个不到 500 行的超轻量型 HTTP Server,可以用来理解服务器程序的原理...
ProPHPSecurity2ndEdition.pdf 英文原版 Pro PHP Security 2nd Edition 上传者:weixin_38743506时间:2019-08-20 GameDevelopmentwithUnity2ndEdition.pdf 英文原版 Game Development with Unity 2nd Edition 上传者:weixin_38744375时间:2019-08-20 EssentialPascal2ndEdition.pdf 英文原版 ...