c3dEngine is a simple cocos2d-x-like 3d game engine. The game Super Single Cell based on it. support platform: iOS, win32 language: c++ document:http://git.oschina.net/wantnon2/c3dEngine-superSingleCell/wikis/home note: this project has been merged to c3dEngine2. c3dEngine2:http://...
免费引擎Agar - 一个高级图形应用程序框架,用于2D和3D游戏。Allegro library - 基于 C/C++ 的游戏引擎,支持图形,声音,输入,游戏时钟,浮点,压缩文件以及GUI。Axiom 引擎 - OGRE的衍生引擎。Baja 引擎 - 专业品质的图像引擎,用于The Lost M.
o3de - An open-source, real-time, multi-platform 3D engine based on Amazon Lumberyard. [Apache2] website OpenXRay - a community-modified X-Ray engine used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. [Modified BSD/non-commercial only] Oxygine - A cross-platform 2D C++ game engine. [MIT] Pan...
A 3D game coded in C. gamecgame-developmentx11school-projectminilibxgame-3d3dc-gamesc-game UpdatedApr 15, 2018 C A free homebrew game for the 3DS where you have to avoid flying objects. gameconsole-gamespace-game3ds3ds-homebrewc-game ...
3d game engine design using directic9 and clynntharrison
CUDA-C 是游戏开发人员用来构建桌面游戏的顶级编程语言之一。在游戏方面,CUDA-C 内核通过呈现高分辨率视觉效果,营造出深刻的 3D 印象,让你的游戏看起来更加逼真。你还会发现,你的游戏更加栩栩如生,有更好的照明和色彩。Lua 在游戏项目的前 10 名编程语言列表中,Lua 排名第六。它是一种轻量级、跨平台的脚本...
Limon Engine is an open source, multi-platform and multi-threaded, 3D game engine. The engine is written in C++ and specially designed for First Person Shooter Games.
Explore a massive world, gather resources, naturally craft with your hands in 3D, and build anything you can imagine!Choose Your Own Path: Allow your creativity and imagination to run free, or follow the objectives that guide you through the progression of the game, starting from breaking off...
The Bork3D Game Engine is an open source, C++ game engine. This had specifically being designed by 3D LLC for mobile device platforms, mainly targeting iPad and iPhone.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Game configVersion="1"> <Identity Name="Direct3DGame1_test" Publisher="CN=Publisher" Version=""/> <ExecutableList> <Executable Name="Direct3DGame1_test.exe" Id="Game" Alias="Direct3DGame1_test.exe"/...