ChoiceFormat fmt = new ChoiceFormat( "-1#is negative| 0#is zero or fraction | 1#is one |1.0<is 1+ |2#is two |2<is more than 2."); 其中数字#是按照大小顺序排列的, formate方法中传入参数x,如果x在0,1之间,则按照0处理。 1.5.6. 其它的数字格式化 另外在对数字进行格式化时,也可以考虑使...
Custom toolchain location If you have installed the FRC Toolchain to a directory other than the default, or if the Toolchain location is not on your System PATH, you can pass the toolChainPath property to specify where it is located. Example: ./gradlew build -PtoolChainPath=some/path/to/frc...
SetFormatter(fmt.IntFormatter(min_value=256)) p.SetControlStyle('Spin') s.monitor('top.sig_sin') s.monitor('top.sig_cos') s.write({'top.sig_steps': 2**16}) # dump the signal value to a numpy array s.trace_buf('top.sig_cos', 2**14) s.trace_buf('top.sig_sin', 2**14...
每个 Logger 内包含一个 Sink 组成的 vector。 Formatter(日志格式化):Formatter 用于格式化日志消息的输出格式。通过以上组件,可以灵活地配置和使用 spdlog,以满足不同的日志需求。例如,可以创建多个 Logger 对象,并将它们的日志消息输出到不同的文件中;也可以自定义日志消息的格式,添加时间戳和其他元数据。
http_handler = CustomHandler(r"", 'api/log/get') http_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) http_handler.setFormatter(fmt) logger.addHandler(http_handler) logger.debug("今天天气不错") logger.debug("是风和日丽的")
funcfmt | funcfmt is a simple, lightweight templating library that allows templating using custom runtime context and function traits. It was originally created forexifrename, to allow efficiently processing a format and set of callbacks across thousands of EXIF objects. ...
LOG4CPLUS_FATAL_FMT(g_Logger, logFmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_ERROR_FMT(logFmt, ...) LOG4CPLUS_ERROR_FMT(g_Logger, logFmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_WARN_FMT(logFmt, ...) LOG4CPLUS_WARN_FMT(g_Logger, logFmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_INFO_FMT(logFmt, ...)...
NSString *logString = [NSString stringWithFormat:(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__]; \ NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; \ [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"]; \ NSString *dateString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]; \ ...
No Vendor specific components has been used except for the PHY itself which can be replaced by other vendor's DDR phy and Embedded Block RAM. Only Debayer/Demosaic and Output reformatter need Block RAM. Block ram can also be replaced vendor's RAM. Auto detection of RAW pixel width supporti...