为满足程序的各种需求,STL 准备了多种容器类型,容器可以是 arrays 或是 linked lists,或者每个元素有特别的键值。 作为STL的最主要组成部分--容器,分为向量(vector),双端队列(deque),表(list),队列(queue),堆栈(stack),集合(set),多重集合(multiset),映射(map),多重映射(multimap)。 二、迭代器 迭代器用于...
map<int, int>::iterator it_find; it_find = mp.find(0); if (it_find != mp.end()){ it_find->second = 20; }else{ printf("no!\n"); } map<int, int>::iterator it; for (it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); it++){ printf("%d->%d\n", it->first, it->second); } ...
i));}if(mp.count(0)){printf("yes!\n");}else{printf("no!\n");}map<int,int>::iterator it_find;it_find=mp.find(0);if(it_find!=mp.end()){it_find->second=20;}else{printf("no!\n");}map<int,int>::iterator it;for(it=mp....
bool mapClass::auto_main() { show_map(); //显示地图 Sleep(Sleep_num); this->clear(); //清空队列 this->push(persion_p.x, persion_p.y, -1);//把起点入队 Point target_p; //目标坐标 if (auto_find_way(target_p) == false) //调用自动寻路 { reflash_map(); return false; } au...
25,153 Commits .github/workflows [ci] Enable Go 1.24 testing Mar 3, 2025 CCache Fix random doubled spaces in code Nov 17, 2023 Doc Add support for $n special variable expansion in the names of typemap… Feb 20, 2025 Examples Fix handling of corner cases by previous change ...
camera map camera mixing camera mode camera movements camera on chip camera primaries camera tools camera type cameracontrollever camerahood camerasetup camera ob camerauolly cameron played dumb cameroon cm camietank camile camillo benso camilo antonio caminhos tortuosos caminoshugo camisola lÍquido cami...
robin-map - Fast hash map and hash set using robin hood hashing. [MIT] sparsepp - A fast, memory efficient hash map for C++. [BSD 3-clause] st_tree - A fast and flexible c++ template class for tree data structures. [Apache-2.0] svector - Compact SVO optimized vector for C++17 or...
crossing over map crossing over percent crossing phase crossing the road crossing-ovcr crossing-sweeper crossingnetwork crosslaidweb crossley motors crosslinkverb crosslinkedstarch crosslisturlrule crossloopscavenging crossostephium less crossover leg crossover risk crossover type crosspoint switch ic crosspoi...
CWindow::MapWindowPoints 将一组点从窗口的坐标空间转换到另一个窗口的坐标空间。 CWindow::MessageBox 显示消息框。 CWindow::ModifyStyle 修改窗口样式。 CWindow::ModifyStyleEx 修改扩展窗口样式。 CWindow::MoveWindow 更改窗口的大小和位置。 CWindow::NextDlgCtrl 将键盘焦点设置为对话框中的下一个控件。 CWi...
include<map>5#include<algorithm>6usingnamespacestd;7intmain(){8map<string,int>mp;9mp.insert(make_pair("a",1));10mp.insert(make_pair("b",2));11map<string,int>::iterator it;12cout<<mp.count("a")<<endl;13mp.insert(make_pair("a",2));14it=mp.find("a");15if(it==mp.end...