error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'unsigned short [260]' (or there is no acceptable conversion) error C2679: binary '==' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::string' error C2712: Cannot use __t...
意思是,int */int这种除法操作是不合法的。出错的一行是p=(p1+p2)/2,不知道指针除以2是要做什么呢?
c报错 invalid operands of types 'double' and 'double()(double)' to binary 'operator/'是怎么回事啊快原分边完性受团的想备double mutual(double a,double b,double f)快原分边完性受团的想备{快原分边完性受团的想备double y;快原分边完性受团的想备y=(-(b*a+f*(1-a))*log(b*a+f*(...
mutual.c:7:error:invalid operands of types ‘double’ and ‘double ()(double)’ to binary ‘operator/’mutual.c:In function ‘double givenmutual(double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double)’:mutual.c:15:error:invalid operands of types ‘double’ and ‘double ()(double)’ to ...
第6行:在"&hour1"和"&min1"之间不能是空格,应该是逗号 第7行同理
memblock; } }; 我试图将"memblock“字符数组中的数据复制到变量m_Data中,但是当我尝试这样做时,我得到了no match for operator "=" matches these operands的错误。 浏览4提问于2013-02-12得票数 0 回答已采纳 2回答 在C++中“运算符*”没有匹配 、 我正在重载操作符*和+,以便从文件中读取一些类的变量...
Compiler warning (level 4) C4913 user defined binary operator ',' exists but no overload could convert all operands, default built-in binary operator ',' used Compiler warning (level 1) C4916 in order to have a dispid, 'description': must be introduced by an interface Compiler wa...
mutual.c:7:error:invalid operands of types ‘double’ and ‘double ()(double)’ to binary ‘operator/’mutual.c:In function ‘double givenmutual(double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double)’:mutual.c:15:error:invalid operands of types ‘double’ and ‘double ()(double)’ to ...
(See Section 7.4, Promotions: Unsigned Versus Value Preserving.) The parameter type that matches such an old-style parameter depends on the compilation mode used when you compile: -Xs and -Xt should use unsigned int -Xa and -Xc should use int ...
*/ midpoint = (start + num_operands) | 1; left = factorial_partial_product(start, midpoint, _Py_bit_length(midpoint - 2)); if (left == NULL) goto error; right = factorial_partial_product(midpoint, stop, max_bits); if (right == NULL) goto error; result = PyNumber_Mult...