1. array 数组 2. reference 引用 3. element 元素 4. address 地址 5. sort 排序 6. character 字符 7. string 字符串 8. application 应用 函数: 1.call 调用 2.return value返回值 3.function 函数 4. declare 声明 5. `parameter 参数 6.static 静态的 7.extern 外部的 指针: 1. poi...
// Declare a button object. CButton myButton; CButton::CreateCreates the Windows button control and attaches it to the CButton object.Copy virtual BOOL Create( LPCTSTR lpszCaption, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID); Parameters...
// Declare a button object. CButton myButton; CButton::CreateCreates the Windows button control and attaches it to the CButton object.Copy virtual BOOL Create( LPCTSTR lpszCaption, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID); Parameters...
Array in C You will learn how to work with arrays in this tutorial. With the aid of examples, you will discover how to declare, c initialize array, and access array elements. An array is a type of variable that can store several values. For example, if you wanted to store 100 integer...
还要指定归档文件将用于装载还是存储。CArchive对象不仅可以处理首要类型,而且还能处理为串行化而设计的CObject_派生类的对象。一个串行化类通常有一个Serialize成员函数并且使用DECLARE_SERIAL和IMPLEMENT_SERIAL宏。这些在CObject类中有所描述。 重载提取(>>)和插入(<<)是方便的归档编程接口。它支持主要类型和CObject...
LocalTensor 功能说明用于存放AI Core中Local Memory(内部存储)的数据,支持QuePosition为VECIN、VECOUT、VECCALC、A1、A2、B1、B2、C……DOC.MoreInformation
The brackets ([ ]) following direct-declarator modify the declarator to an array type.Type qualifiers can appear in the declaration of an object of array type, but the qualifiers apply to the elements rather than the array itself.You can declare an array of arrays (a "multidimensional" array...
However, I discovered that a function that returns an array object would crash Animate, unlike running the same code under Flash 8. Here I have the snippet of code defining a simple test function, which would return an array object, where the 0th element is a + b, and the othe...
对象类型(object) object类型是System.Object在.NET中的别名。 在C#的统一类型系统中,所有类型(预定义类型、用户定义类型、引用类型和值类型)都是直接或间接从System.Object继承的。可以将任何类型的值赋给object类型的变量。可以使用文本null将任何object变量赋值给其默认值。
myAppObject.theArray = aNewArray; 此语法只是编写[myAppObject setTheArray:aNewArray];的另一种方式。在点记法表达式中,您不能使用对动态类型化的对象(类型为id的对象)的引用。 在“您的首个 iOS 应用程序”中,您已经使用点语法来进行变量赋值: ...