正确的做法是头文件declare,c文件define,老生常谈的问题,不再赘述。这里提供两个技巧:对于函数,有人给出这么个办法,添加inline或者static 关键字。 或者有人直接这么搞: #ifdef DEFINE_GLOBALS #define EXTERN #else #define EXTERN extern #endifEXTERN intglobal1; EXTERN int global2; 那么在头文件中定义全局变...
5Structure Define Section 6Prototype Declare Section 7Global Variable Declare Section 8File Static Variable Define Section 9Function Define Section /*** * File Name : FN_FileName.c * Copyright : 2003-2008 XXXX Corporation, All Rights Reserved. * Module Name : Draw Engine/Display * *CPU : AR...
#include <windows.h> /* Declare Windows procedure */ LRESULT CALLBACK MyEventHandler_aka_WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); #define IDBUTTON 102 /* Make the class name into a global variable */ char szClassName[ ] = "My_Virgin_App_0"; HINSTANCE g_hInst; LRESULT CALLBACK MyEvent...
datatype variableName; // Declare global variable Here, just like local variables in C, the syntax for variable declaration is same but the difference lies in the place where it is declared in the program. The sample C program below illustrates this concept. Code Example: #include<stdio.h...
// Return reference to global variable: pthread_exit(&gi_ret); } int main(void) { // Declare variable for thread's ID: pthread_t th_id; //it is a poniter as well int li_arg = 1; pthread_create(&th_id, NULL, task_th_func, &li_arg); ...
(charch);charGetChar(void); }// Define the two functions// ShowChar and GetChar with C linkage.extern"C"charShowChar(charch){putchar(ch);returnch; }extern"C"charGetChar(void){charch; ch = getchar();returnch; }// Declare a global variable, errno, with C linkage.extern"C"int...
Configure the code generator to declare and define global variables for inports and outports in generated filesConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.handConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.c. In theC Codetab, selectCode Interface>Default Code Mappings. ...
Declaration statements are used to declare variables, functions, arrays, and so on. They tell the compiler to create and allocate memory space. For example, int a; Declares an integer variable a. Declaration statements are an integral part of the C language because they provide the data and ...
<< std::endl; } // last = c; } std::cout << "Last letter was " << c << std::endl; // C2065 // Fix by using a variable declared in an outer scope. // Uncomment the lines that declare and use 'last' for an example. // std::cout << "Last letter was " << last <...
看错误提示啊,全局或静态变量不能是托管类型的 你的aa是全局的,但是类型又是托管数组(类型后面带个^的都是托管类型)cli/c++是所谓的胶水语言,各方面都要兼顾,所以比较杂。建议你去学c#吧,比cli/c++容易多了