std::is_class_v<T>是C++标准库中的一个类型特性,用于判断给定的类型T是否为类类型。在is_lambda结构中,这是第一个被用来缩小可能的Lambda表达式候选范围的条件。仅当T是类类型时,才有可能是Lambda表达式。 2.1.2 利用std::is_same和std::decay_t排除非Lambda情况 接下来,结构使用!std::is_same_v<T, st...
A future muon collider could test the scalar FCNC decay t -> hc via Higgs decay h -> t* c -> b W+ c down to values of the coupling g_{tc}=0.5 (that are equivalent to BR(t -> hc) = 5 x 10^{-3}). The LHC could probe values of g_{tc} one order of magnitude ...
remove_cvref and remove_cvref_tImplemented the remove_cvref and remove_cvref_t type traits from P0550. These remove reference-ness and cv-qualification from a type without decaying functions and arrays to pointers (unlike std::decay and std::decay_t)....
Signatures of NP models in top FCNC decayt→c(u)ℓ+ℓ− Among other roles the LHC will play the role of a ''top factory'' giving us an unique possibility to study possible new physics signatures in unprecedented... Jure,Drobnak,Svjetlana,... - 《Journal of High Energy Physics》...
std::decay定义于头文件 <type_traits> template< class T > struct decay; (C++11 起) 对类型 T 应用左值到右值、数组到指针及函数到指针隐式转换,移除 cv 限定符,并定义结果类型为成员 typedef type 。正式而言: 若T 指名“ U 的数组”或“到 U 的数组的引用”类型,则成员 typedef type 为U*...
N3655 Alias Templates For <type_traits> (decay_t, etc.) VS 2013 N3656 make_unique() VS 2013 C++17 Standart kitaplık özellikleri Destekleniyor N3911 void_t VS 2015 14 N4089 Safe Conversions In unique_ptr<T[]> VS 2015 14 N4169 invoke() VS 2015 14 N419...
N3887 tuple_element_t VS 2015 N3891 Renaming shared_mutex (Timed) To shared_timed_mutex VS 2015 N3346 Minimal Container Element Requirements VS 2013 N3421 Transparent Operator Functors (less<>, etc.) VS 2013 N3655 Alias Templates For <type_traits> (decay_t, etc.) VS...
It is possible that these mRNAs containing a premature termination codon (PTC) undergo a rapid degradation (nonsense mediated RNA decay, NMD) as reported in other genetic disorders (24). NMD appears to be an ancient and evolutionary conserved surveillance strategy to protect cells from mutations ...
定义一个指针对象 T *ptr; 后 ptr 这个对象里面没有 T 类型对象,不过可能可以通过 ptr 访问存在于...
was obtained, where βT=KTmT. Furthermore, the following fact has to be taken into account: the momentum difference in the Coulomb correction is expressed in the PCMS, as a function of qPCMS=qinv (the invariant four-momentum difference equals the three-momentum difference in the PCMS). Sin...