* url_multi_perform返回CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM时,表示需要继续调用该函数直到返回值不是CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM为止 * running_handles变量返回正在处理的easy curl数量,running_handles为0表示当前没有正在执行的curl请求*/intrunning_handles;while(CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM == curl_multi_perform(curl_m, &...
timeout_tv.tv_usec=0;//获取multi curl需要监听的文件描述符集合 fd_set//curl_multi_fdset(curl_m, &fd_read, &fd_write, &fd_except, &max_fd);/** * When max_fd returns with -1, * you need to wait a while and then proceed and call curl_multi_perform anyway. * How long to wa...
this function is the same as the remainder() function, but this function also stores the quotient...
curl turned to open c curledmallow curling at the 2010 w curling round the rol curling wax curls naturally curly coat curlyparsley curlypubescenttype curmudgeonagreeable p currencies fluctuate currency clamp module currency exchange los currency logistics currency lost its val currency outside bank curre...
curing adhesive curing equipment curl up with cold curling and stretchin curly and messy hair curly brace curly brackets curly brackets or bra curly grain curly mallow curmudgeonagreeablepe curr biol curr opin genet dev currency areas currency awareness currency cnvertibilit currency deposit rati curren...
curl python转换 python curl模块,缘起:以前一直喜欢用scrapy做爬虫,并且实践效果也很好,后来由于单位让自己写一套分布式爬虫(python实现),替代公司原有的爬虫(php实现),大致用于实践后,发现效果是比原来的效果好,原来能做配置的网站20个里能配置10个,现在20个里能
errno %d\n", i, error); else fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d, gets %s\n", i, urls[i]); } /* now wait for all threads to terminate */ for(i = 0; i < NUMT; i++) { pthread_join(tid[i], NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d terminated\n", i); } curl_global_cleanup(); re...
php的curl,是在php发布程序的ext文件中,作为一个php自带的支持,需要改写php的配置文件,修改php.ini,将;extension=php_curl.dll前的分号去掉。 python的pycurl,不是python自带的支持程序,python在做爬虫一般都是用urllib,urllib2,twisted等,比较少的使用pycurl.安装略. ...
6)In this function call_back_timer, I call the function curl_multi_socket_action().7)Next, was called callback_socket_function (CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION):int socket_callback(CURL *easy, /* easy handle */ curl_socket_t s, /* socket */ int what, /* describes the socket */ void *...
1>--- Build started: Project: CURL_CPP, Configuration: Debug x64 --- 1>CURL_CPP.cpp 1>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library 1>libcurl.lib(multi.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _...