() & 0xFF)/10.0f; } } //ref https://github.com/HolyChen/cuda-tutorial/blob/master/src/chapter02/README.md void print(float *array, const int N){ for (int idx=0; idx<N; idx++){ printf(" %f", array[idx]); } printf("\n"); } int main(){ int nElem = 4; size_t ...
CUDA C/C++ Basics Supercomputing 2011 Tutorial Cyril Zeller, NVIDIA Corporation © NVIDIA Corporation 2011 What is CUDA? CUDA Architecture Expose GPU computing for general purpose Retain performance CUDA C/C++ Based on industry-standard C/C++ Small set of extensions ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.10)project(TutorialVERSION1.0)###增加版本号configure_file(TutorialConfig.h.inTutorialConfig.h)##我们需要配置一个头文件TutorialConfig.h,用来将版本号传入到源代码中去。set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD11)# specify the C++ standardset(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIREDTrue...
double* sortdirect_gpu(double* data, unsigned int n) { double* tmp; cudaMalloc(&tmp, sizeof(double) * n); unsigned int b = n + (tile_size << 1) - 1 >> log_tile_size + 1, s = tile_size << 1; binoticsort_gpu<<> 1>>>(data, n); for (b = b + 1 >> 1; s < ...
GTC session:1,001 Ways to Write CUDA Kernels in Python NGC Containers:cc NGC Containers:quickstart-rapidsai NGC Containers:PIConGPU Tags Data Science|Accelerated Computing Libraries|C++|CUDA|CUDA C++|featured|Python|technical walkthrough|Tutorial ...
This short guide explains how to choose a GPU framework and library (e.g., CUDA vs. OpenCL), as well as how to design accurate benchmarks. Article Your second GPU algorithm: Quicksort Kenny Ge August 22, 2024 Learn how to write a GPU-accelerated quicksort procedure using the algorithm...
LLM training in simple, raw C/CUDA. Contribute to karpathy/llm.c development by creating an account on GitHub.
A tutorial on basic CUDA debugging is given in session 12 of the online training series I had previously mentioned in my post on November 13th in this thread 1 个回复 Robert_CrovellaModerator 2021 年 11月 user19110 your post is completely off-topic in this thread. Please start your own thr...
C++ & cuda LNK2019: unresolved external symbol and LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals_ C++ 2005, How can I run (start) an external exe file from my program? C++ Active Directory Lookup C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2008 c++ convert a cstring to an integer C++ converting hex value to int C++...
2. 通过cmake添加macro宏定义 出入到源文件,例如在编译opencv/caffe的时候,我们通过cmake -DUSE_CUDA=ON/OFF来确定,是否使用cuda. 问题cmake中如何实现上述两个功能的呢? 至于问题1: 我们可能想到直接在头文件中定义,这样也可以,但是如果直接在cmake中定义,然后传递给程序读取生成更加灵活。 至于问题2: 可以在...