复合语句(亦称为“块”)通常作为另一条语句(如if语句)的主体出现。声明和类型描述可在复合语句的头部出现的声明的格式和含义。 语法 compound-statement: {declaration-listoptstatement-listopt} declaration-list: declaration declaration-listdeclaration ...
複合陳述式 (也稱為「區塊」) 通常會以另一個陳述式主體的形式出現,例如if陳述式。宣告和類型會描述可能出現在複合陳述式開頭的宣告形式和意義。 語法 compound-statement: {declaration-listoptstatement-listopt} declaration-list: declaration declaration-listdeclaration ...
A compound statement (also called a "block") typically appears as the body of another statement, such as the if statement. Declarations and Types describes the form and meaning of the declarations that can appear at the head of a compound statement....
When nestingifstatements andelseclauses, use braces to group the statements and clauses into compound statements that clarify your intent. If no braces are present, the compiler resolves ambiguities by associating eachelsewith the closestifthat lacks anelse. ...
复合语句(Compound Statement):由多个语句组成的语句块,语法为“{ 语句1; 语句2; ... }”。 例如:{ printf("Hello"); printf("World"); } // 输出"HelloWorld" 空语句(Null Statement):只有一个分号的语句,表示不执行任何操作。 例如:; // 空语句 ...
包含花括号在内的部分称为 compound statement(复合语句,也称为 block),它本身是一种语句,不需分号...
Similarly, if i is equal to 0, only z is incremented; if i is equal to 1, only p is incremented. The final break statement isn't strictly necessary, since control passes out of the body at the end of the compound statement. It's included for consistency....
function_definition à type_specifier declarator compound_statement 翻译:< <定义函数>→<类型说明符> <声明符> <复合语句> type_specifier à VOID | CHAR | INT | FLOAT 翻译:<类型说明符>→ <无返回型> | <字符型> | <整型> | <浮点型> ...
To have more than one statement execute after an if statement that evaluates to true, use braces, like we did with the body of a function. Anything inside braces is called a compound statement, or a block. For example: 1 2 3 if ( TRUE ) { Execute all statements inside the braces...
Compound Statement (C) continue Statement (C) do-while Statement (C) Expression Statement (C) for Statement (C) goto and Labeled Statements (C) if Statement (C) Null Statement (C) return Statement (C) switch Statement (C) try-except Statement (C) try-finally Statement (C) while Statemen...