OL-29295-04, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.x Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference 4-31 clear asic-cnt Chapter 4 C Commands clear asic-cnt To clear ASCI counters, use the clear asic-cnt command in EXEC mode. clear asic-cnt {all | device-id | list-all-devices} Syntax Description all...
libcdada - A small, portable, MACRO-less library for basic data structures (list, set, map, queue...) in C (C++ backend). BSD-2-Clause liblfds - Portable lock-free data structure library. Public domain (more exactly, whatever license you want). libsrt - Soft and hard real-time data...
cpdf -attach-file sheet.xls -to-page 5 in.pdf -o out.pdf Combine several commands together using AND: flip a file vertically and stamp text, then encrypt. cpdf in.pdf -vflip AND -add-text "Page %Page" AND -encrypt 128bit owner "" -o out.pdf Compress a file without loss of in...
How to show all build commands in Visual Studio (C++) output window? HOW TO SIGN .TXT FILE,. PDF FILE USING SIGNTOOL.EXE How to sign a driver (sys file) How to solve - error C2671: static member functions do not have 'this' pointers - using Visual Studio 2005 C++? (MFC) How to...
项目 2024/12/16 3 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 Declaration Description Methods Properties Declaration Objective-C复制 @classSPXSpeechConfiguration:NSObject; Description Defines configurations for speech or intent recognition. Methods initWithSubscription:region:error: ...
window.c)target_include_directories(basic_sourcesPRIVATE${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/proto ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})target_compile_definitions(basic_sourcesPRIVATE"HAVE_CONFIG_H")target_link_libraries(vimPUBLICbasic_sources)...
Once this is done, navigate to the CLBlast folder and execute the commands detailed below: cmake . make cp libclblast.so* $PREFIX/lib cp ./include/clblast.h ../llama.cpp Following the previous steps, navigate to the LlamaCpp directory. To compile it with OpenBLAS and CLBlast, execute ...
TRYODBC(hDbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC, SQLDriverConnect(hDbc, GetDesktopWindow(), pwszConnStr, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE)); fwprintf(stderr, L"Connected!\n"); TRYODBC(hDbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC, SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hDbc, &hStmt)); wprintf(L"Enter SQL commands, type...
cmake(1) General Commands Manual cmake(1) NAME cmake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator. USAGE cmake [options] <path-to-source> cmake [options] <path-to-existing-build> DESCRIPTION The "cmake" executable is the CMake command-line interface. It may be used to configure projects in scr...
1. *commands:命令列表,列表内一个字典存放一个命令: a. Samples:示例列表,列表内一个字典存放一个示例 i. desc:sample 的 zh_CN 和 en_US 描述信息 ii. code:action 的 xml 示例代码。(str)遇到“号需要转义。”→\" b. output:输出列表,对应 studio 输出。列表内一个字典存放一个输出。目前 ...