// Thread-safe static local initialization support. #ifdef __GTHREADS namespace { // static_mutex is a single mutex controlling all static initializations. // This is a static class--the need for a static initialization function // to pass to __gthread_once precludes creating multiple instanc...
// This is a static class–the need for a static initialization function // to pass to __gthread_once precludes creating multiple instances, though // I suppose you could achieve the same effect with a template. class static_mutex { static __gthread_recursive_mutex_t mutex; #ifdef __...
// We use the second byte of the guard variable to remember that we're // in the middle of an initialization. class recursive_init: public std::exception { public: recursive_init() throw() { } virtual ~recursive_init() throw (); }; recursive_init::~recursive_init() throw() { } ...
errorC2440:“static_cast”:无法从“void(__thiscallCXXX::*)(WPARAM,LPARAM)”转换为“LRESULT(__thiscallCWnd::*)(WPARAM,LPARAM)”在匹配目标类型的范围内没有具有该名称的函数 errorC2440:“static_cast”:无法从“void(__thiscallCXXX::*)(void)”转换为“LRESULT(__thiscallCWnd::*)(WPARAM,LPARAM)...
stack:这就是我们经常所说的栈,用来存储自动变量(automatic variable) mmap:也成为内存映射,用来在进程虚拟内存地址空间中分配地址空间,创建和物理内存的映射关系 heap:就是我们常说的堆,动态内存的分配都是在堆上 bss:包含所有未初始化的全局和静态变量,此段中的所有变量都由0或者空指针初始化,程序加载器在加载程...
《 C++程序设计教程(第3版)(竞技版)-微课视频版》是清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者是钱能。内容简介 本书是改版教材。然而从指导思想、内容结构、写作特点等方面,都以全新的面貌呈现于读者。全书全部重新执笔,代码全部重写,涵盖了基本C++编程方法的全部技术特征。 本书以C++标准为蓝本,从过程化编程的...
編譯器警告 (層級 4) C4881 建構函式和/或解構函式將不會針對 tile_static 變數'variable-name' 叫用 編譯器警告 (層級 1) C4882 將具有非常數呼叫運算子的函子傳遞給 concurrency::parallel_for_each 已被取代 編譯器警告 C4883 'function name':函式大小讓最佳化無法進行 編譯器警告 C49...
class simple_cbuf { public: enum { default_size = 100; }; explicit simple_cbuf(size_t size = default_size); ~simple_cbuf(); size_t size() const; bool empty() const; int top() const; /* see below */ void pop(); void push(int new_value); ...
C++ 複製 struct X { private: static inline const int c = 1000; }; struct Y : X { static inline int d = c; // VS2019 C2248: cannot access private member declared in class 'X'. }; 為避免此錯誤,請將成員 X::c 宣告為受保護:C++ 複製 ...