当使用[self class]时,这时的self是PersonMe,在使用objc_msgSend时,第一个参数是receiver也就是self,也是 PersonMe* me这个实例。第二个参数,要先找到class这个方法的selector,先从PersonMe这个类开始找,没有,然后到PersonMe的父类 Person中去找,也没有,再去Person的父类NSObject去找,一层一层向上找之后,在...
NSObject类所支持的一些基本方法 发送class消息可以根据类名或另一个对象生成一个类对象 [Squareclass];//从名为Square的类中获得类对象[mySquareclass];//mySquare是一个实例,查看它所属的类if([obj1class] == [obj2class]);//查看存储在变量obj1和obj2中的对象是不是相同的类实例[myFraction isMemberOf...
-(void)introduceMyselfWithProperties:(BOOL)useGetter{NSLog(@"Hi, my name is %@.",(useGetter?self.name:name));// NOTE: getter vs. ivar access} 类或协议的属性可以被动态的读取。 inti;intpropertyCount=0;objc_property_t*propertyList=class_copyPropertyList([aPersonclass],&propertyCount);for(...
我们先不管这个可变参数,以 [self setName:] 为例,编译器会替换成调用 objc_msgSend 的函数调用,其中 theReceiver 是 self,theSelector 是 @selector(setName:),这个 selector 是从当前 self 的 class 的方法列表开始找的 setName,当找到后把对应的 selector 传递过去。 而当使用 [super setName] 调用时...
6. They are the vanguards of the working class .他们是工人阶级的先锋队。 7. It is the working class that is most selfless ...工人阶级最大公无私。 8. Europe still had its old class system .欧洲仍然存有其古老的阶级制度。 9. These plants were distributed into 22 classes .这些植物分为22...
Previous versions of the std::is_convertable type-trait did not correctly detect self-assignment of a class type when its copy constructor is deleted or private. Now, std::is_convertable<>::value is correctly set to false when applied to a class type with a deleted or private copy construc...
-initWithCount:(NSNumber*)startingCount{self=[superinit];if(self){_count=[startingCount copy];}returnself;} Since the Counter class has an object instance variable, you must also implement a dealloc method. It should relinquish ownership of any instance variables by sending them a release messa...
class simcse ( nn.layer ): def __init__ ( self,pretrained_model,dropout= none ,margin= 0.0 ,scale= 20 ,output_emb_size= none ): """ pretrained_model:一个预训练好的语言模型对象 dropout:一个浮点数,表示dropout的概率 margin:一个浮点数,表示对比损失函数中的边界值 scale:一个整数,表示对比...
2.类是以Class对象的形式存储在代码段之中. 用示意图表示如下所示: 3.拿到存储方法的SEL对象 4.调用方法的本质. 用示意图表示如下所示: 5.重点掌握 6.手动地为对象发送SEL消息. 7.注意事项: 总结: 3. 点语法 1.OC的对象如果要为属性赋值或者取值就要调用对应的getter或者setter方法. ...
publicsealedclassGenericNameSyntax:Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.SimpleNameSyntax Remarks This node is associated with the following syntax kinds: GenericName Properties 展开表 Arity(Inherited fromNameSyntax) ContainsAnnotations Determines whether this node or any sub node, token or trivia has annotat...