class AFX_NOVTABLE CView : public CWnd MembersProtected ConstructorsExpand table NameDescription CView::CView Constructs a CView object.Public MethodsExpand table NameDescription CView::DoPreparePrinting Displays Print dialog box and creates printer device context; call when overriding the OnPreparePri...
classgraph/classgraph - An uber-fast parallelized Java classpath scanner and module scanner. cmader/qSKOS - Vocabulary quality assessment tools confluentinc/schema-registry - Confluent Schema Registry for Kafka crate/crate - CrateDB is a distributed and scalable SQL database for storing and analyzing...
class CInternetConnection : public CObject Members Public Constructors NameDescription CInternetConnection::CInternetConnectionConstructs aCInternetConnectionobject. Public Methods Proširi tablicu NameDescription CInternetConnection::GetContextGets the context ID for this connection object. ...
class CMFCRibbonBar : public CPane MembersPublic ConstructorsExpand table NameDescription CMFCRibbonBar::CMFCRibbonBar Default constructor.Public MethodsExpand table NameDescription CMFCRibbonBar::ActivateContextCategory Activates a context category that is already visible. CMFCRibbonBar::AddCategory Ad...
class CButton : public CWnd MembersPublic ConstructorsExpand table NameDescription CButton::CButton Constructs a CButton object.Public MethodsExpand table NameDescription CButton::Create Creates the Windows button control and attaches it to the CButton object. CButton::DrawItem Override to draw ...
class CMFCRibbonCategory : public CObject 成員受保護的建構函式展開表格 名稱描述 CMFCRibbonCategory::CMFCRibbonCategory 建構函式。公用方法展開表格 名稱描述 CMFCRibbonCategory::AddHidden 將隱藏專案新增至功能區類別目錄。 CMFCRibbonCategory::AddPanel 將新的面板新增至功能區類別。 CMFCRibbonCategory::...
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You can use the javac tool and its options to read Java class and interface definitions and compile them into bytecode and class files.
Compiler error C3571 'type': illegal compute domain argument; not a class type Compiler error C3572 'type': illegal compute domain argument; missing public member: 'static const int rank' or rank value is non-positive Compiler error C3573 The number of instances of concurrency::graphics::samp...