Standard C语言标准函数库速查 (Cheat Sheet) Standard C 语言标准函数库速查 (Cheat Sheet) 说明 本页面包含C语言标准版的15个头文件解释以及函数,137个函数和演示,可以点击函数名字进去查看。 纯粹无责任乱译,参照本页产生的任何错误概不负责。本页也不一定会保证能持续更新。(查看更新记录) C语言标准头 <asse...
C Cheat Sheet
This is acheat sheetto convert Microsoft C or C++ source code to support Unicode. It presumes you’re already familiar with Microsoft’s approach to Unicode, thus doesn’t explain much. The objective is to have a single place to look for names, correct spellings of relevant functions, date...
DOCTYPE html> malloc 函数说明 - Standard C语言标准函数库速查 (Cheat Sheet)
C Cheat Sheet by pmgCread file char-by-char #include <stdio.h> FILE *h; int ch; h = fopen("filename", "rb"); /* error checking missing */ while ((ch = fgetc(h)) != EOF) { /* deal with ch */ } /* if needed test why ...
C and C++ Cheat Sheet libraries #include input and output functions #include string related functions #include memory allocation, rand, and other functions #include math functions #include time related functions functions returnType functionName( input1Type input1Name, input2Type input2Name, …. )...
<math.h>是C语言中的数学函数库三角函数 double sin(double x);正弦 double cos(double x);余弦 double tan(double x);正切 *cot三角函数,可以使用tan(PI/2-x)来实现。 反三角函数 double asin(double x);结果介于[-PI/2, PI/2] double acos(double x);结果介于[0, PI] ...
Objective-C Cheat Sheet by alextgordonAssumes "Automatic Reference Counting" (ARC) is enabled.Class Interfaces @interface Shape : NSObject @property (assign) NSPoint center; @property (strong) NSColor* color; @end @interface Rectangle : Shape @property (assign) NSSize size; @end @interface...
C Cheat Sheet C Basic cheatsheet GNU C Extensions cheatsheet C Macro cheatsheet C Makefile cheatsheet X86 Assembly cheatsheetModern C++ Cheat Sheet Basic cheatsheet constructor Initialization String Container Iterator Template Variadic Perfect Forwarding Casting constexpr Lambda Time Smart Pointers Return ...
Objective-C Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference 该文件来至于,主要方便工作查阅。