cannot open program database 'D:\pytorch\build\caffe2\CMakeFiles\torch_cuda.dir\__\aten\src\THC\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS CMake Error at (message): Error generating...
问题:使用VC2008正常编译成功,使用incredibuild并行编译失败,出现Fatal error C1033: cannot open program database 解决: 1.防火墙---(最坑爹的- -!) 来自stackoverflow(BTW, stackoverflow是个神奇的地方,各种奇葩的问题都有热心的解答) 简单地说,杀毒软件一般会监控pdb文件生成和写入修改( touching the pdb file...
Fatal Error C1033: cannot open program database'' 解决方案:原来是和Win7不兼容造成的,在安装目录下找到devenv.exe,右键属性“兼容性”,选择“Windows Vista SP1”模式运行即可。
中文翻译:E:\ vc6.0下\ VC98 \ \ GRAPHICS.H(64):致命错误C1189:#错误:你的原因进行分析,使用C + +编译器 BR /> 。 c是一个C语言源文件,cpp是C + +语言的源文件(CPP是C + +)。你的程序可以使用C + +,或用一个C + +头文件和扩展的语法。 ?解决方案:c文件扩展名改...
fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'C:\DeepUI_2017\RuntimeCompiledCPlusPlus-master\Aurora\x64\Debug\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS [RuntimeCompiler] Complete Failed to load module C:\Users\Naeron\AppData\Local\Temp\728B.tmp ...
cannot open program database pdbThis error can be caused by a disk error, a temporary lock created by an anti-virus program, a previous debugger instance that has not fully shut down, or parallel build mspdbsrv.exe processes that attempt to access the same file, among other possible causes....
Fatal error C1041cannot open program database 'file'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same.PDBfile, please use/FS Fatal error C1042cannot open compiler intermediate file - no such file or directory Fatal error C1043cannot open compiler intermediate file ...
(4) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open program database file: 'c:\documents and settings\zhanzhex\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\chpater7\chpater7\debug\vc90.pdb': No such file or directory 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\zhanzhex\My Documents\Visua...