your own dialog-box class to implement a modeless dialog box. Construction of a modeless dialog box is a two-step process. First call the constructor; then call theCreatemember function to create a resource-based dialog box, or callCreateIndirectto create the dialog box from a template in ...
compromise sort compromise with sb on compromising a class compromisingemanation compsite structure compter aided soqware comptia- computing te comptia computing tec compu compufan compulite compunction lack of m compund compressor compuser computablefunction computable index computadora computadora central compu...
compatible class compatible integrated compatible machine compatible mathematic compatible terminal compatible with sever compatiblecolortelevi compatibletime-sharin compatriot n compcode compel v force compelled multi-frequ compelling vision compendium n compendium of the fal compensated budgetine compensated gyro...
x, point.y); //获取桌面句柄 HWND desktopHwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); /* BOOL EnumChildWindows( HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent window // 父窗口句柄 WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, // callback function // 回调函数的地址 LPARAM lParam // application-defined value // 你自已定义的参数 ); 直到...
A handle to the parent of the dialog box. If no value is provided, the parent is set to the current active window.Return ValueIf successful, the return value is the resource ID of the control that dismissed the dialog box.If the function fails, the return value is -1. To get extended...
parent::init(); } Initializes the widget. This renders the form open tag. run()method public voidrun() Source Code:framework/gii/CCodeForm.php#44(show) public functionrun() { $templates=array(); foreach($this->model->getTemplates() as$i=>$template) ...
回调函数(Callback Function) 如果说 函数指针 是语言相关的话**,回调函数 就是一个语言无关的概念了。回调函数这个名字起的很好,可以明显感受到它有点 “返过来调用的意思”,它还有一个被大众熟悉的称号:“好莱坞法则”。** don’t call us, we’ll call you. ...
struct S1 { void f(int); void f(int, int); }; struct S2 { template <class C, void (C::*Function)(int) const> void f() {} }; void f() { S2 s2; s2.f<S1, &S1::f>(); } The current compiler correctly gives an error, because the template parameter type doesn't match...
你可能会认为,在我们成功将源代码编译成二进制文件之后,作为构建工程师我们的工作就完成了。事实几乎如此——二进制文件包含了 CPU 执行的所有代码,但代码分散在多个文件中,方式非常复杂。链接是一个简化事物并使机器代码整洁、易于消费的过程。 快速查看命令列表会让你知道 CMake 并没有提供很多与链接相关的命令。承...
When the callback is specified as a string, it will be first assumed to be a method of the current controller class. If the method does not exist, it is assumed to be a global PHP function. Note, the callback should return the dynamic content instead of echoing it....