警告C6384:用另一值除指针的 sizeof 值此警告意味着大小计算可能有误。 为了计算数组中元素的数目,用户有时用第一个元素的大小除数组的大小;但是,当数组实际上是指针时,结果通常与所预期的不同。如果指针是函数参数,而且未传递缓冲区的大小,则不能计算可用的最大缓冲区。 当指针在本地分配时,应当使用在分配时...
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warning C6384: dividing sizeof a pointer by another value This warning indicates that a size calculation might be incorrect. To calculate the number of elements in an array, one sometimes divides the size of the array by the size of the first element; however, when the array is actually a...
warning C6384: dividing sizeof a pointer by another valueThis warning indicates that a size calculation might be incorrect. To calculate the number of elements in an array, one sometimes divides the size of the array by the size of the first element; however, when the array is actually a ...
warning C6384: dividing sizeof a pointer by another valueThis warning indicates that a size calculation might be incorrect. To calculate the number of elements in an array, one sometimes divides the size of the array by the size of the first element; however, when the array is actually a ...
机车名称:和谐1C型电力机车 HXD1C车号:6384生产厂商:资阳运行时速:120km/h轨距:准 拍摄日期:202108拍摄配属:南局福段拍摄作者:闽H09553D 注:刊登的机车配属以拍摄当日机身显示为准,并不代表最新配属,仅供参考。 版权声明:照片的版权归拍摄作者所有,仅提供车友下载收藏,禁止商业使用,禁止用于短视频发布。若用于...
warning C6384: dividing sizeof a pointer by another value This warning indicates that a size calculation might be incorrect. To calculate the number of elements in an array, one sometimes divides the size of the array by the size of the first element; however, when the array is actually a...
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三钢调机DF10D牵引货列通过翁墩道口(机车编号没看清) 2021-07-08 00:34 再次遇见HXD1C6395牵引行包货车通过 2021-07-08 03:17 再次遇见,HXD1C,6384牵引28083次货车通过列西道口 2021-07-08 01:47 SS4G0775牵引40012次通勤(永安—来舟)通过列西道口 2021-07-08 02:12 (2021年第一次拍车)再次遇见HXD1...
HXD-1C6384;1C0546牵引40056次货列 交藤 20 0 HXD-1C6383牵引40056次货列-棚车-敞车-25B 交藤 82 0 HXD-3C0563牵引货列-39节敞车 交藤 34 0 HXD-1C6397牵引货列-棚车-敞车-水泥自备车 交藤 139 0 HXD-1C0536牵引货列-水泥自备车-卸碴车-平车-棚车-敞车-25B 交藤 173 0 HXD-1C0843...